Forgiveness is the key *lol this is so touché

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Weaver looked at y/n gut wrenched at the way she spoke to her.  'She's so young' Weaver thought 'And  I'm foolish'. The stars were so bright, and y/n was looking at them; amazed. I sat down next to her, she spoke softly "Y'know, I wanted to be Astronomer when I was younger". I looked at her thinking if I should say something, she looked back at me and gave me a smile. I smiled back "I hope I'm not crossing lines, but I'm sorry for being rude to you", y/n shrugged her arms and said "You were stressed and I guess pretty girls aren't used to be stressed" I scoffed and said "You wouldn't believe how much stress I come across to". y/n  looked at me dead in the eye and said something to me "Can I tell you something" She whispered so softly, I nodded, "I-um-erm...I don't want to marry my fiance." I looked at her shocked, "I mean.." she huffed and she said "I probably out of my mind, but I'm Bisexual/Lesbian/ or whatever orientation you are" I was shocked and said "Me too". She blushed and looked down, she was about to say something, until my lips touched hers. Their cheeks flushed as they both passionately kissed, praying and hopping no one would pass.

James Conrad:
Your POV

We had such an amazing friendship, I couldn't admit stupid feelings. I was staring intently at Mr.Conrad, he was so charming. "Ohhh, he so hot" whispered a voice in my ear. I look at Cameron (your brother) with a dull expression 😑. He smiled and said "His hotness beats the hot weather of this hellhole" and he rested his head on my shoulder. "But, alas, our relationship can not be condemned" he faked cried . "Maybe my sister can marry him for me" he wiggles his eyebrows. "What-" I started but Cameron shushed me and said "Just use protection, sis". He skipped away, like the jerk he was. I rolled my eyes and giggled a little.

*Sorry this is more of a playful chapter than a romantic, because you all already forgave each other before so yea* was protection even a thing back then???

3rd POV

Y/n walked past Slivko with a red wrist, he must've thought that she was crying from the physical pain, but she was crying from a pain in her heart. She finally accepted the fact that her brother was gone , she finally accepted that the world wasn't fair, and she finally accepted that he loved her. Why had her stupidity drove her off a cliff? And the worst part is, she had hurt him. Could she even sleep at night, soon to be sleeping with Gleen by her side. When it should've been Slivko sleeping by her side. It broke her heart into little piece, her face must've been a pale, since Weaver put a hand on her head. "You ok?" Y/n shook her head, the only thing that would come out of her mouth would be a cry. "Ms. Weaver, what would you do if you like someone but, you are dating someone, but the person you like hurt you, but you still love them?". She thought for a moment and shot a look at James Conrad, "I...would tell them how I feel or forget the thing even happened" Forget the thing even happened?? Was she trying to drag her into hell? But y/n preferred that she forgot the whole thing happened rather than confess her love.  So she slivered her way to Slivko playfully punching him in the shoulder. "y'know Mills never told me about you" y/n said- he gave her a confused look- "I think he's jealous of you". Now he was really confused, "Aww you can't give me the cold shoulder after hurting my soul" she said putting a hand over her heart. He rolled his eyes playfully and said "That was a bad joke"

"Jesus, are you trying to hurt me even more?"

"Your an odd type aren't you"

"It comes with the package hon"


Your POV
You had just heard, your husband was dieing of a sickness. You didn't know whither to cry of sadness or joy, he had abused our for many years. But you had just realized that you loved one person on this island, Hank. You ran to find him.

Wow it's been a while Since I updated properly. Anyway thanks for reading and come back next week for Thanksgivings special, I'm sorry if it comes out a little late. And by little I mean a year late.assksksnsksns wtf 2k views thank you sooooo much love you all sooooo much.

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