|Crazy Broad|

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Desa sits across from me, popping her gum loudly as I begin to read a book I've been interested in for a while.

"Ya like the book?" Her voice appears close to my ear and I flinch, jolting my head away from her mouth.

"Can you be any more annoying?" I roll my eyes, attempting to read the book once more.

She sighs loudly, spitting her gum in the trash bin near the bathroom door before taking her seat across from me. Her nails tap impatiently on the glass table, bringing me out of my imagination.

I slam the book down, narrowing my eyes at her. "What do you want?"

She smirks evilly, "It would be enjoyable to have a threesome right now but I'm stuck watching you."

I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms. "Is that any way to talk to your Queen, Desa?"

She rolls her eyes, "You're a mortal. How do you expect to rule people who are ten times stronger than you, and that have been  here ten times longer than you?"

I shrug, trying to keep the insecure feelings at bay. "I guess we will just have to see."

She rises to her feet, stretching. Her shirt rides up and underneath was a long scar that spanned across her abdomen.

I glanced away just in time to see her bringing her gaze back to my face. "I'm hungry," I stand with her, walking over to the door.

In a flash, her body is in front of the door, blocking my way. "King Hades s-"

I wave my hand, scoffing. "I'm aware. Now move. I'm hungry."

She crosses her arms, standing up straighter. "I can't allow you to-"

Frustration bites at me, igniting a fire under my skin that spread up my arms, to my face and into my skull.

"Allow me?" I hiss, feeling my face get hot. "Hades said you were my guard. A guard protects. If I'm going somewhere, it's your job to protect me." Her eyes widen in shock and I see surprise in her eyes as her stance falters. "So, do your job."

We have a stare down for a good few seconds before she lowers her eyes, her jaw ticking. "Whatever you say."

I force myself to calm down, nodding my head once in approval. "Thank you."

I brush by her, opening the door. She follows, closing the door behind her before falling into step with me.

I notice a few demons standing straight against the wall, their eyes flitting towards me shortly before they fall onto Desa with questioning glances.

I look towards her. "Hades did this, didn't he? I don't usually see many demons on this side of the castle. I'm assuming he wanted us to be alone."

Desa shrugs, pulling my body towards hers to prevent me from bumping into a vase. I glimpse at her in surprise.

She rolls her eyes, "Don't look at me like that."

A small smile grows on my face, "I know, I know. I'm charming. Everyone falls for it sooner or later,"

She scoffs, picking up her speed before disappearing behind the wall. I huff, "I really need to exercise."

We walk into the kitchen, and my eyes widen hungrily at the variety of fruits on the table.

I run towards the pineapples, grabbing a piece before popping it into my mouth. "Holy- this is so good." The juice dribbles down my chin and I groan, wiping it away. That's gonna dry up and be sticky as fuck.

Desa looks at me in disgust, leaning against the wall. "Could you be more gross?"

I childishly pop a grape into my mouth, chewing with my mouth open. "How is this for you?"

She ignores me, inspecting her nails as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

I get back to picking out different fruits, loving the authentic taste. There weren't many similarities between these ones and the ones I had in my realm. Except for how they looked, these tasted as if they were the most purest version. And they were absolutely delicious.

"Well, well..." a high pitched voice drifts into the room, a tall woman following it.

Desa gives her a bored once over before returning to the task of messing with her nails.

It was the woman that was with Hades that day when I first went to his office. I pay her no mind, biting into a strawberry.

This must've annoyed her because in two seconds, she's standing in front of me with her hands on the table, her breasts still spilling out of the tight dresses she seemed to love.

Desa eyes her, taking a step closer in my direction. I hold my hand up to her, not taking my eyes off of the woman in front of me.

"Hi, welcome to Chile's. How may I help you?" I ask sarcastically, adding a fake smile into the expression.

Her smug face falls, replaced with confusion. "What's a Chile's?"

I mentally face palm, "It's a res- never mind. What do you want?"

She flicks her hair over her shoulder, "I wanted to know where Hades was. He did want to see me as soon as he got back. What? Couldn't satisfy him enough on your little trip?"

Jealously flares within me and I force it down, clenching my fist.

Desa steps in, moving her body in front of mine. "Oh, he was damn sure satisfied. You should've heard him. It sounded like a porno in there and he said her name like ten times," she boasts, slapping my shoulder roughly, "I didn't know you were such an animal in bed, Sam-Sam."

Oh god. Did she actually hear us? When? How? I begin to have a little panic session as embarrassment flushes through me. She squeezes my shoulder, giving me a weird look.

She turns to face the woman, raising an eyebrow. "Anything else you need, Eryne?"

Her face flushed red as her eyes flash black, turning darker than—I'm guessing—her own soul.

Then, she smiles. A dark, creepy smile that had Desa leaning back into me, which in turn had me lean back.

"I'll find Hades myself. Thank you." She gives me one more creepy smile before turning around, her hands crossed in front of her like a nun.

Good thing I don't trust nuns. Especially not after that movie.

Desa watched her closely, a weirded-out expression on her face. She blows out a breath, pointing a thumb in the direction Eryne went.

"What a crazy broad."

I pop another grape in my mouth, nodding along with her. "Muy muy loca."

Her face drops and she rolls her eyes. "Moment ruined."

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