Ch. 2

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I sat in the maroon leathered booth as I thought back to when me and Q first met....

It was my first day at Monsignor Ferrel High school. I was definitely petrified at walking through the large gates in front of me. My mum and dad had made me and brother move from the UK. He was 2 years above me, which meant I would never be able to hang around with him. He was the opposite to me; he could make new friends instantly, he wasn't at all sensitive and didn't care what other people said about him. Whereas I was the opposite and I cared about all of those things.

As I walked into the school, I attempted to find my way to the lockers but they all looked identical apart from the numbers. I had no idea where anything was and I was just getting stressed out from anything. I felt as if everyone was watching me, which made no sense as nobody knew me, anyway. I eventually found my way to my locker and threw everything into it. I took a deep breath as I felt like I just came out of a war zone. I heard the shrieking of the bell, which I knew meant I would have to struggle to find my science class. As I walked in, I saw everyone sat in large groups. I definitely felt like the odd one out but I sat there and got on with it.
When lunchtime rolled around, I walked into the cafeteria. I didn't feel hungry, more sick from nerves. I carried my tray and searched for an empty table, second from the front. I sat there and let my head lay on the table. I just wanted to go home, that was all. I was soon knocked out of my thoughts when I heard someone place a tray on the table in front of me, as they rested their hand on my shoulder.
"Are you okay?" They asked me. I looked up to be met with a boy with bright blue eyes looking at me.
"I'm fine.. sorry" I said, as I lifted my head from the table.
"I'm Joe" he said as he extended his arm for me. I gladly accepted and shook his hand. "Would you mind if me and my friends join you?" He asked me. I soon nodded as two other boys made their way over. One with curly black hair; gorgeous green eyes and a warm smile. The other had a thin layer of black hair with dark brown eyes and a smile.
"I'm James" the one said to me.
"And I'm Sal" the other said as they took a seat on the table. A few minutes later another boy came running up to the table.
"Very cool" Murr joked. "But we have someone new at the table. Meet...." Murr began until I realised I never gave them my name.
"Oh, I'm Laura" I said with a smile.
"Nice! Laura, welcome" Joe said with another kind smile.
"Hi" the new boy at the table muttered.
"This is Brian, But we call him Q" Sal said, as Q took a seat next to me. I could tell he felt awkward. He didn't say much to me, or look at me.
"Q!" Joe said as he kicked him under the table. "Don't be rude!" He said.
"Sorry.. I just don't know how to talk.." he began.
"To girls" Murr joked, gaining a laugh from Sal.
"No.. to beautiful girls" he said as his eyes finally looked up to mine. I blushed lightly at his comment, and he definitely noticed as his smile grew.
"Let me start over, I'm Brian" he said with a laugh, causing me to laugh too.

And ever since we met we were best friends. Me and Q were most definitely the closest out of the entire group. We would do everything together. I mean, I was there at his first job, when he got his driver license, his first car, his first breakup, and I was his first kiss. It wasn't that we were dating. We were at a Christmas party and the mistletoe was above us and I think he was slightly drunk, but I wasn't, and I didn't refuse. The truth is, I fancied Q ever since we were 13, until the age of 21; and that's where it all changed. Let me tell you why....

We were 21, both working in a little diner in Staten Island. I was trying to earn a lot of money to pay for a Literature Course in the University Of Staten Island. But it was very expensive. At this time in my life, I was only living with my brother who was 24 at the time. My parents moved back to the UK as my grandmother fell ill and they wanted to take care of her. I needed money to pay for the rent and to pay for my course, so me and Q took this job together.
He was amazing. He would give me his tips to help pay towards my University and would always go on shifts when I was there. Q was the bestest friend anyone could've asked for. There was only one downside. Melanie.
Melanie was Q's girlfriend at the time, who Q sworn to be in love with. You couldn't tell him anything bad about Melanie as he would soon turn it around to defend her. She was ok. Definitely NOT the right sort of person for Q, for sure. He wanted longtime relationship with her. Each time he mentioned marriage, she would change the subject. She wants completely different things but he is refusing to let himself see that, no matter how hard anyone tries to tell him.
One day, after our shift, she came round to the diner.
"Hey baby" she said as he snaked her arms around him and pulled him in for a deep kiss. I turned away and continued to clean up the tables. "Are you done yet?" She asked him. He turned back to me.
"I'll help Laura clean away then I will come" he said.
"Happy valentines, by the way" she said as she watched him follow me to each table.
"Happy Valentine's Day Mel" He said to her. "And you" he whispered to me. "D'you have any plans!?" He asked me.
"Watching films alone" I said with a laugh.
"Why Don't you join me and Mel" he offered. I knew he was being kind, but that was worse than being alone.
"It's okay, I'll join Sal and Murr and Joe" I said to him.
"Baby I'm contemplating about something" Melanie whined as he fixed her hair.
"I'm surprised she even knows that word" I said with a laugh.
"Stop it" Q whispered but couldn't help but laugh. "Be nice, for me?" He asked with his brown eyes pleading into mine.
"Fine" i said as I walked over to her. "What's wrong" I said.
"I want two different pairs of shoes" she moaned. And I just couldn't help but laugh, and so did Q.

That evening I got home to find everything has gone. Everything apart from my things. All the furniture, the food and my brothers things. I ran upstairs to check my jar of savings... and they had all gone. I had over one thousand saved up for uni, but it's all been taken. That's when I found the note reading 'sorry Laura, me and my mates are moving away and I lent some money' and that was it. He left me with no way of affording anything and took away my only chance of heading to uni. I felt like screaming. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my eyes. So with that, I headed to the only person I could trust... Q.
I knocked on the door to see Q stood there.
"Bri.." I began. That was what I called him. Only me.
"Laura.. what's wrong?" He asked me. I couldn't even reply, I just began to cry more. His strong arms pulled me close to his chest and he held me there with constant whispers that everything was going to be okay.

After that day, I moved into Q's place with his parents. They didn't mind, they welcomed me with open arms and treated me like I was one of their own. I was eternally grateful.
One afternoon in late July, Q came home stressing about something. He slammed his bedroom door and sat beside me on his bed.
"What's wrong?!" I asked him, growing concerned as I've never seen him like that before. He looked at me then gulped.
"I've asked Melanie if she wanted to marry me" he said. I felt my heart sink.
"W-What did she say?" I asked.
"She needed to think about it" he said with a saddened look.
"Hey, Don't worry about it. Im sure she will say yes" I said to cheer him up.

He didn't say anything for a good two hours. We just cuddled up. I soon felt like he was calming down as his muscles became less tense and more relaxed. He sat up causing me to sit up.
"Do you ever think it's possible to love someone more than you thought... but in a different way" he said.
"Like from friends to fancying them" I said.
"Exactly that. Over the past couple of days I've seen a friend in a different way than before" Q said.
"Who?" I asked.
"No one" he muttered.
"Who Bri?" I asked him. His brown eyes stared into mine. I saw love there,he'd look at me different to everyone else. There was a special love in those eyes, how he would always care for me. He placed his hand on my cheek as he pulled me in closer to him, his eyes looking at mine then to my lips. He moved closer and planted a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away for a second, and saw me smile. He then pulled me closer and deepens the kiss... until Melanie walked in.
"HOW DARE YOU!" She shouted, as she threw the ring at Q.
"Mel! Wait" he said, but it was no use, she had gone. He turned to me with a face of anger. "THAT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He shouted.
"Mine!?" I questioned.
"You destroyed my only chance of being happy! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!
GET OUT!," he screamed.
From that day, I had to find a little crappy flat, and Q stuck to his word, he never did speak to me again, and that was until I got a job on impractical jokers.
You see, even after all these years, he still blamed me for destroying his life. He never forgave me and never will.

"Laura!" Q shouted a over the music in the bar, causing me to snap out of my daze.
"Yeah?" I said. I looked up in his brown eyes to see if I could see that special love in his eyes, I sworn I could see a hint of it, but it soon vanished with each blink.

(A/N: hope you liked the flashback! Now you know why Q and Laura dint get along! What do you think of the story so far!?)

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