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After five months of dating, I was starting to get used to the regular touring of the guys. Q rang every night and he was only really gone 3 times a week.

I felt my stomach ache slightly, so I decided to work from home today. I didn't have much of an office in my work anyway, so they didn't really mind. I awaited the arrival of Q for hours. But as soon as I heard that key in the door, I jumped up right away. I stood by the door and watched as Q finally walked in.
"Hello beautiful" Q sung as he lifted me up and spun me around. He gently placed me back on my feet as his lips gently pressed to mine. "I've missed you so much" he whispered.
"I've missed you, too" I replied.
"I'm so sorry, but the boys want to go out for a few drinks" Q said. I was sad about it as I wanted to spend time with him, but I didn't mind.
"Ok" I said. "Guess I'll see you later" I said to him as I took a noticeable step away from him.
"Why don't you come too? It's only for a few drinks at the bar" Q said.
"Sure" I replied, half heartedly. "I just need to get changed" I said.
"I'll wait" he replied.
"No, you go ahead. I know my way there. I'll meet you in a few minutes" I replied. He nodded and made his way out the door.

I quickly changed into a t shirt and jeans and wore my hair down. My stomach still ached, probably food poisoning from that takeaway I had, so I had no interest in drinking.

I locked up the door and walked down the dark streets towards the bar. I went to cross the road, and that's when I saw the bright headlights fastly approach me. The next thing I know, I'm unconscious, laying in the middle of the road.

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