"There's still forty-seven minutes left on the timer," Robin whispers.

"Yeah?" I cock my head to the side, confused.

"Yeah." Robin lays his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles.

I look down at his hand and back up at him. Robin can't possibly be implying what I think he's implying... can he?

"Um, what?"

Robin rolls his eyes, sighing. He smiles nervously. "My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. I'm trying to ignore how anxious I feel, but you're making it awful hard, Jules."

Then, he grabs my hand and places it on his chest. "It's cute how you know me so well, yet are so oblivious of my affections for you."

This must be a dream.

I curl my fingers into the collar of his shirt, letting my fingertips brush against the skin hidden underneath. Robin squeezes my thigh and the sensation sends heat right to my crotch. He scoots closer so that our legs are pressed up against one another's. I hook my ankle around his. Robin's other hand tangles into my hair, fingers running through it.

"I don't know what I'm doing," Robin breathes.

I cup his cheek, pulling him closer so that our foreheads are touching.

"I do," I reply, leaning forward and pressing my lips to his.

Robin makes a muffled sound, carding his hand through my hair. His other hand lifts off my thigh and settles on my hip, gripping me tightly. I can feel his heart pounding in his chest. He's nervous- terrified, even- but he's still brave.

I set the pace slow, languidly moving my mouth against his, pressing closer, lightly touching him. I don't do much, keeping the kiss as a simple touching mouths sort of thing. I long to kiss him deeper, but the most I allow myself to do is nip at his lower lip as I pull away. I peck him on the lips a couple times for good measure, watching the rosy blush on his cheeks darken.

"Do that again," he says quietly, swallowing.

"Anything you want."

I kiss him again, running my fingers along his jaw. I suck on his bottom lip for a few seconds, listening to the way his breath hitches. I pull back and peck his mouth, once, twice, three times, before going back in for a longer amount of time. Robin is less nervous in this kiss, but his movements are still unsure, inexperienced. I love it, regardless.

When I finally pull back, only out of need for air, I watch Robin as his eyes open. The pupils are large and black, dilated. His cheeks are flushed and his lips look more inviting than ever.

Robin's hand slides down from my hair to rest on my shoulder. In one fluid movement, he swings his leg over my lap, so he's straddling me. I'm unable to hide the sharp gasp that this action elicits. I wrap both of my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Both of his hands slide back into my hair.

"I've wanted to do this for forever," he says. "Your hair is so nice."

I grin, slipping one of my hands up his shirt to rest on the small of his back. Robin gasps quietly. I kiss his cheek. Robin's hands come down from my hair to cup my cheeks.

"You're so beautiful, Jules, baby."

All the air leaves my lungs and a strangled sound leaves my throat. Robin stares at me, startled, then leans forward and kisses me. He rocks his hips ever so slightly, pressing down on me. A breathy noise escapes me.

"Robin," I gasp. "You might not want to do that."

Robin's head tilts to the side inquisitively. "Why? Because of this?" One of Robin's hands abruptly reaches down and palms at my crotch. "I can feel it." His expression is innocent, almost. "Did you think I didn't notice?"

With Robin straddling me like this, it's easy to feel his hardness pressing against my thigh. Of course he can feel me, too.

"Oh, I didn't want to uh, scare you off."

Robin laughs a little. "I may not be an expert, but I do know some things. I know what would happen if I shoved my hand down your pants."

"Do you want to do that?"

Robin contemplates this. "Yeah."

"You're not nervous?"

"I'm anxious, but it's a bearable kind. I told you, Jules. I'm comfortable around you."

"I just wanted to make sure. I wouldn't want to do anything you're not-"

"You know me well enough to know that I don't do things I don't want to. I completely shut down if something I don't want to do makes me anxious."

"Good, good."

Robin rocks his hips again, sliding his bum across my thighs. I practically melt underneath him. Robin leans forward and fits his mouth on mine. I let him take the lead, let him explore my mouth. He pulls away to pepper kisses at my cheeks and my jaw, then my neck. I can feel his soft little breaths against my skin and I can hardly handle it.

"Who knew you were so timid?" Robin asks rhetorically, fingers drifting across the buttons of my jeans.

I've not had a lot of sexual experience, but I've had enough to know that I'm fairly submissive. Robin doesn't seem to mind.

"Are you all right," Robin starts, then, as an afterthought, says very tentatively and softly, "babe?"

I grin. "I like it when you call me that."

Robin smiles, cheeks still flushed pink. When he runs his hands along my chest, his hands only shake a little, nerves betraying him.

"Eighteen minutes on the timer," he says.

I slide my hand up his back until I reach his neck, where I left my hand stay so I can bring him forward. Our lips meet once again. Already, Robin's gotten much better at it.

"The cookies are probably cooled off," I comment.

"I'd rather kiss you than have a cookie."

Laughing, I agree. "I could keep you here forever."

"I would stay."

Robin finds my mouth again, swallowing me in a kiss. He's so close I can feel his eyelashes flutter against my cheeks. Robin experimentally pulls my lower lip into his mouth. I smile into the kiss, holding him closely. I slide my hand down so it rests on his thigh. Robin kisses me harder.

This is heaven.

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