The Spirit

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This was taken from the journal of Jack Liam Daniel, who was found dead in his 3 room apartment on March 3rd, 2004.

February 3rd, 2004, Tuesday.

Some form of entity has been appearing in my dreams as of late. It seems to be a human. A horribly disfigured human... Its left arm was mangled, and the rest of its body was covered in cuts, bruises, and wounds. Yet, that wasn't it. It had a large hole in its chest. Too large to be possible.

The first time I saw it, I shook it off a simple nightmare. But now, it's in my dreams every night. Just standing there.

The scariest part of this scenario is that I've seen this figure before the dreams began. A good friend of mine, Thomas, had recently been murdered in his house while his 2 year old daughter was taking a nap and his wife was at work. Before his death, he sketched the exact entity I've been seeing in my dreams. Its head down, body beaten.

Earlier today, I received a note in the mail, from the police. It was taken from the crime scene. It read "I am coming for you, next. Perish".

February 25th, 2004, Wednesday.

This entity had been appearing in my dreams night after night. However, last night was different. It had moved... It had revealed its face. It spoke to me. It was a she. Her face... It was pale. She had a large gash on her right cheek. But... The smile. The smile on her face when she began talking... It has taunted me all day. It has been welded into my mind. It was as if she was psychotic... A serial killer experiencing the pleasure of slaying another victim.

But... the words were a whole new experience, she spoke in a raspy voice. "This shall be you, Jack. It will not be quick. It shall be long and painful. Your friend has witnessed true terror, and you are next."

Those words have shook me to the core. It was too real for a dream.

But it was just a dream, right?

March 1st, 2004, Sunday.

She wouldn't leave me alone. She returned night after night, saying the same statement over and over again. It was driving me insane!

But, this night, it all changed.

It was the same scenery as before. Everything seemed the same... Until she began speaking.

"Your death is coming soon. You shall perish just as I did." The scene suddenly changed. I found myself in a small apartment. What was about to happen felt unnaturally real.

Lying on the floor, just centimeters away from my foot, was the body of a woman. She seemed about 28. She had long, blonde hair. The scenario, however, was completely terrifying. Her left arm was completely battered and mangled, while bruises, cuts and wounds covered her body. But then there was her chest... there was a hole in it. Just like the entity whom visits my dreams.

I felt a presence behind me. It was the entity that haunted my dreams.

"Look into her chest, Jack" she said. I felt an unimaginable amount of terror. The way she said it... It was as if, if I didn't comply, she would tear me apart. I crouched down and peered into the hole in her chest.

The hole was in her left side. The heart is located on the left side of a human's body. But this girl... Her heart was gone. I looked up at the entity. She had come closer to me. Close enough to allow me to peer into the hole in her chest as well.

There was no heart.

I jolted awake, and checked the time. It was 11:48 PM. I jumped out of bed, and turned on every light in my small apartment. I quickly sketched everything that had happened. The empty hole in both their chests, the entity, the mangled dead body of the woman...

March 2nd, 2004, Monday.

Last night's dream has left me in a mentally unstable state. Or has it? I don't know anymore. Nothing makes sense. Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door.

"Jack, you in there?" It was Jennifer! Jennifer was a good friend. We'd known each other since Grade 5.

She knocked again.

"Jack? Are you okay?" she said. I stood up from where I was on the floor, curled up in the corner of my bedroom. I was there all night. "I'm coming!" I shouted groggily.

I walked towards the door, almost tripping on a few things on the way. I opened the door, and there was Jennifer, standing there. "I haven't heard from you in weeks! What happened?" she asked.

She seemed genuinely concerned about me, and it was true that she hasn't seen me in weeks. Ever since the dreams started, I haven't been in contact with anyone. The dreams. The mangled dead body. The long, blonde hair... Jennifer has long blonde hair. She seemed to have some resemblance to the body...

At this point, I was being driven crazy from the dreams. My eyes widened, and I slowly started taking steps backward.

"What are you doing?" She asked. I slammed the door shut, locking it.

"Stay away from me!" I shouted. "Stay away from my dreams! You're not going to get me!" "Jack! What are you talking about? Jack!"

I piled some chairs and other things against the door. That demonic thing wasn't getting to me. I'm not going to let it kill me, like it killed Tom!

Over the next several hours, I drew numerous sketches. Of the entity's face, her mangled arm, the apartment, everything from the dreams. I began taking notes of Jennifer's link to the entity.

At about 6, I heard someone outside the door. When I peered around the corner of my room to look at the door, I saw someone had somehow slipped a small piece of paper underneath everything. That can't be possible...

I picked up the piece of paper. In messy handwriting, someone had written "6 hours. It ends tonight".

I immediately lost all control and tore apart the paper. I didn't dare to sleep that night.

It was 11:55 PM. "5 more minutes... 5 more minutes..." I kept on repeating to myself as I rocked back and forth in the fetal position in the corner of my room. At the very moment the clock struck 11:59, I heard something in the kitchen. Earlier that night, I had barricaded the door to my room with all sorts of things. I didn't care what I had to do; I just had to stay away from her.

The sound eventually grew closer. It sounded like... Footsteps. I heard a loud crash on the other side of the door. Was she trying to get through? If she did, I was ready. I had all the knives in my apartment in my room, now. I shakily grabbed one off the desk and held it in my hand. I heard a noise outside my window as I began to get up. I turned by head around to see what it was. I quickly turned my head back, after realising it was nothing, only to be greeted by the most horrifying sight.

That was the end of Jack Liam Daniel's Journal. However, a note was found on the right side of his chest after his death.

"I tore his heart out, just as it had happened to me. I mauled him with all my strength. He has gone now, passed on. He is with me. He belongs to me. I am the spirit. None shall escape me. All shall perish"

Several notes were also found on his desk, next to 5 or so knives. One note stood out from the rest. It was given to the girl by a police officer. The note read "I am coming for you, next. Perish."

The police officer went missing within five minutes of delivering the note, and Jennifer was found dead in her apartment, just as Jack was, on April 9th. She received the note on March 9th.


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