The Afterlife

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Short but creepy

A few years ago, my friend and I were driving down the highway to go see our friend in college when a drunk driver hit us. The drunk driver lost control and drove into the median, while our car spun out and flipped over the railing into the embankment on the side of the highway. I only suffered a few scrapes and bruises, but my friend was severely hurt and unconscious.

Thirty minutes later, my friend regained consciousness and we were assisted out of car.

I was tended to as necessary at the hospital. While waiting for the OK from the doctor in the waiting room, a nurse approached me and asked me very timidly,

"Are you Eric Rose?"

I said yes.

The nurse replied, "Your friend has passed away, would you like to come see him?" I tried to talk past the lump in my throat, but couldn't so I just nodded. I followed her down the hall to the room my friend was.

Though he had suffered extreme lacerations to his head and chest that would have been extremely painful, the look about his face was calm and peaceful, as if he easily fell into death's arms and entered the afterlife.

His funeral was the saddest I'd ever been to, but I got through it. Today was the fiftieth anniversary of his death, so I paid a visit to his grave as usual. People had already been there because there were pictures and flowers, but I noticed something different about the grave itself. I looked closer at the engraving and read the name, not something I had done before for some reason. It read: "Eric Rose 1940-1972 Forever in our thoughts."

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