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*3 days later*

     I had arrived at the Dallas International Airport with a sweatshirt and leggings on.  I looked completely stupid because I was coming from Calgary's October weather which is 20 degrees or less into Dallas's October weather which is 80 degrees.  At least I am wearing slides, which is weather appropriate.
I text to tell everyone I had landed and that I'll call them later on when I get my self settled in. 
      I get on my Uber app so see where my ride is and I try to find him.
10 minutes later, I find the car and put all of my stuff in the truck and we go on our way.
45 minutes is how long it's going to take to arrive at the apartment I will be living in.
On the way, I get a text from a number I didn't have.
Unknown- hi Ellie! This is Paul from the stars. I heard you have landed and wanted to tell you that you can come straight to the AAC. Just ask for me and see you then!
"I'm sorry but change of plans. Could you take me to the American Airlines Center instead?"
"No problem. I can do that. It's actually about 10 minutes before where you were first going. Are you a stars fan?  Going sightseeing?" My Uber driver says.

To Paul- hello! I will be there. I think I'm  about a half an hour away. I'll see you then!

"Uh- well- I'm from Canada.  I'm a Calgary fan actually. Guess I'll have to start being a stars fan now eh? I'm going to be working there. I just have to go meet someone there." I tell him. When I say I'm a Calgary fan he makes a face I cannot even explain.

"Whelp. We're here ma'am". "Ma'am.. we arrived." I felt someone touch me. 
"Sorry" I laugh. "I must've just been day dreaming.
I was staring out the window seeing where my new home will be for who knows how long.
We both get out and he helps me get my bags out.
"Here ya go. Have fun. This is a dream job, I hope everything goes great"
"Thank you" I smile.

I have no idea where to go so I just go to the front.
"Hello, what can I help you with this afternoon?" The nice lady in the office asks.
"Hi, I'm looking for Paul"
"You have to be more specific than that ma'am."
"Sorry. I'm not sure of his last name. He's the athletic trainer here. I'm Ellie, I just got here- as you can tell" I say looking down at my suitcase. "He told me to ask for him. I'm going to be the assistant athletic trainer starting up." I inform the lady.
"Ellie" I hear a voice call my name out. I look around and see a man walking over to me.
"Paula, don't worry. She's here for me." He tells her then brings me into a handshake. "I'm Paul. It's nice to meet you. It's been a few months of knowing your name and who you are from Boston and your brother but it's  nice to finally meet you in person."
"Hi. I'm so happy to be here and start this even though I'm so nervous."
"That's totally okay. I remember my first month here so I understand. You'll get along with the guys quick and if they give you any trouble, just let me know. I'll take your bags for you and put them in our office"
"Oh- Thank you."
"If you have any questions, just ask me.  Tomorrow we have an optional skate so you can come in at 10:30 and that's a good day to show you everything. And then Saturday will be your first game.  I know you've done this for the bruins so I don't think you'll have much questions of what to do but again, they may do something we don't or vice versa."
Most of the guys had left because they already got done with their morning skate but some stay after to meet with the coach, exercise, or eat a nice meal. 

"Yo Spez!" Paul shouts out and then I turn around.
"Ellie!" We greet each other with a hug. "Gosh, I haven't seen you in years. How are you? How's mike?  First of all, what are you even doing here?"
"We're all doing good. Him and Brig are having another baby. They told me before I came here. It's exciting but 3? I mean you have 4 so I don't know how you do it. I'm going to be working here!  Athletic training. Finally graduated." I inform him.
Paul butts in. "I didn't know you knew any of the players like this. And Spez, I told you Ryan's leaving so we got a new AT."
"Paul. You told us a girl named Emily. How can I put two and two together"
I laugh. "That's alright." I say referring to my name. " is A-Rad still here?" I ask  asking for Alex Radulov.
"No I think he left a while ago. I stayed for an ice bath now I'm on my way to pick up the kids from the babysitters."
"Okay. Well tell Jen I said hi. I'll be here tomorrow so see you then" I tell Jason and we give another hug.
"Will do. She'll be happy to hear that you're here now. We have to get together and go to dinner or something one day. Here, put your number in my phone and I'll shoot ya a text".

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