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Christmas Day. I wake up really early like a 5 year old child. It was 6:30 am. My moms in the kitchen but no one else is to be seen. I peak into my niece and nephews room to see them sound asleep but I just have to wake them up.
"Pssst. Guys. Wake up" I say whispering, shaking them gently. "Santa came. Let's go down stairs to see if the reindeer liked their carrotts". My nephew reaches his arms up for me to carry him down and not even before we get out of the room, my niece made it into my arms as well.
Before we make it downstairs, I stop in my brothers room n bang on the door.
"Cmon or your kids are opening up presents without you. 5 minutes" I warn.
My mom made the kids hot chocolate, me hot tea, and coffee for the rest along with her so we can sit around the tree to open up gifts.
A few moments later, my brother or Brigitte was still not up so the kids ran up and jumped on their bed which made them come down in an instant.

The kids start tearing up the wrapping paper on their gifts to see what Santa has brought them. They each got probably about 20 gifts so it took a while.
'Tear open paper, look to see what they got, wanted to open so they can play with it there'. That was the routine now that they're older. Their mom informed them every time that they can play with some after they open it all and the rest when they get back to their house.
Now it was my moms turn-  Michael Kors  purse, wallet, watch, jewelry, clothes, makeup, perfume, home decor, and kitchen appliances.
Mike had gotten stuff 'from his kids' that Brigitte obviously picked out, new games for the Xbox and PlayStation, gift cards, cologne, watch, and clothes.
We never know what to get Brigitte so there was a bunch of little things like jewelry, Louis Vuitton purse and matching wallet, shoes, stuff 'from the kids', movies, books, and my brother surprised her with plane tickets to Los Angeles for the end of January. 
Now, it was my turn. Since I'm at the age where I don't want or need anything, I didn't get much which was totally fine.  I couldn't bring it back on the plane with me anyway. Some things I had gotten were  Gucci slides, jewelry, hair stuff, gift cards, and other small things. Now, it was the time to open Tyler's families gifts they gave me last night that I decided to wait until today to open.
His mom and sisters just got me gift cards to places in Dallas that I really enjoy along with some pamper things that all pregnant women will need later on and now it was time for Tyler's but first I txted him.

     > MERRY CHRISTLER!!!!! I miss you!  Tell your fam I said Merry Christmas also. What did Santa bring you?
      < merry Christmas ❤️ love and miss you soo much. They wanted me to tell you merry Xmas. Sorry to break it to ya, Santa. Isn't. Real. Alsoooo did you happen to open up my gifts yet??? Don't forget that's not the real gift I got you. I wanted to give it to you in person so I'm coming over later.

For the rest of the time, we all ate breakfast, watched movies, napped, watched the kids play with their new toys, played in the snow, drank chocolate, played games, ate Christmas dinner, took another nap and then watched even more movies still in our pajamas from this morning. 
Tyler came over to spend Christmas with me and say merry Christmas to my family and he brought the kids some presents too which was very sweet.
We went upstairs to my room so we can be alone and him give me my present. Im giving him his back when we get to Dallas. 
     He hands me roses which are red, gold, green and white. They are the most beautiful roses I've ever seen before. Then some gift cards, candy, and  scratch offs because he knows I love doing them, earrings, Kate spade crossbody and then a gift which is small and neatly wrapped and in a blue box. He hands it to me nervously and I'm nervous myself. I wonder if it's more earrings, a ring, necklace, who knows what else.
I unwrap the wrapping paper and my eyes light up.
"Tyler... what is this?" I ask staring up at him.
"Just open it you'll see." "No, I mean, is this Tiffany's? This is too much Tyler. I'm fine with nothing this is too much I can't accept this ty"
"Ellie, you don't even know what it is yet. Please open it.  And yes it is Tiffany's. Don't worry about anything. It's for you and you're worth more than any present. Please just open it. I hope you like it"
I unravel the blue bow from it and see a silver ring blinding my eyes from it being so shiny.
"Omg. It's so beautiful Tyler. Thank you. It's so pretty. I love it. A lot. Thank you so much. I'm never taking it off" I say and he takes the ring out of my hand.
I made a scared, nervous face and looked at him.
He laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not proposing. Not that I don't want to it's just not right now. This is a promise ring for you because I love you and I'm never going to leave. Ever. I'm here for you and our baby. I love you. It's also a promise we're getting married one day so wear it on that finger. My sister said that's where it's supposed to go so do you take this ring as a promise?" He gets all sappy and I about shedded a tear. I shake my head yes and I put it on my left ring finger.  I could not stop staring at it.

I decided to prank my family and go down to see if they would notice it. They didn't for about an hour so I had to shove it in their face. They actually believed it but when I told them what it really was, they bursted our in 'awes'.

We are leaving in a few days and that's when it's time to tell everyone else, like the team, that we're having a baby.

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