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"El." Tyler says multiple times before he has to grab my head so I can look at him. I have teary eyes but they also have an angry look.
" What happened? What did Paul want?"
"Nothing. Just I'll see you tomorrow. I'm going to go back to my place."
"Ellie, I know something's up. He had to have wanted something. Why else would he tell you to go clear to the rink. You weren't even gone an hour."
"I basically got fired okay Tyler. Because of you." I yelled. I instantly regretted what I just said. He gives me a concerned, sad, confused look soon following behind me into my apartment because I ran out of his place.
I go straight to my bed and get under my blanket and start to tear up.
He comes and lays down with me, cuddling me.
"What are you talking about?"
"I got fired! Because they think we're dating and they know we're sleeping with each other. Just because they see us hanging out with each other Tyler. I got fired for that!"
"What? I'm going to go talk to them. Ellie you don't deserve this. You're the best AT in this whole league. I'm so sorry el. I am. I'm sorry"
"Tyler.. I'm sorry for saying that. It's not your fault at all. I was just mad that I let my self do this. I can't help that we met again and my feelings for you grew so much more. It's my fault for letting my self do this with you knowing I could get fired and after everyone telling me I shouldn't do this with you"
He gets on his phone. I automatically don't know what he's about to do. He calls 'Coach'. It was too late and I couldn't stop him because he was set on it.

"Hey Tyler, i was just about to give you a call about the next few games. I'm sorry Tyler but there's been some stuff going on, I'll have you come in tomorrow morning to talk. You won't need to be here for practice. We are sitting you out 3 games. Not my decision Tyler. I'm sorry" I hear through the phone.
"Look coach, you shouldn't have fired Ellie. I don't care if I don't ever play on your got damn team again. She's the best damn woman there is. Better than Paul. Better than any AT out in the league. She's the best damn thing that happened to me. There is something between us. Ive been wanting to put it out there for 2 months now but I care about her career so much. She's done everything. Worked her ass off to get where she is right now. You just lost a great one coach. Please, sit me out for however long. Trade me if you would. I don't fucking care! I don't get how you can fire someone for being happy and living life. Bye"

"don't say anything... it's not anyone's damn fucking fault Ellie. It's coaches because you should have never gotten let go of this team. You're the hardest working I know. This is your dream job and I just got you fired. I'm the one who's so sorry. I wish there's something I could do. I understand if you don't want to be here with me anymore. I like you El."
"Tyler. I like you. It's fine, I'll get over it one day. I'm so happy you were in Boston if you weren't, I do t think we'd be where we are right here right now today. We meet again. In Dallas. Where next? It's not your fault! Please stop saying sorry. I had this coming. I just don't know what to do next or say to my family."
"Please stay with me. You didn't get fired for nothing" he jokes about himself.

Many things are going through my mind. I just need to relax and take my mind off of what happened for a while. Tomorrow will be the day I tell everyone what happened.

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