Be you

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What happened?

What happened to the girl who used to be happy all the time?

What happened to the girl who didn't have to worry about her look?

What happened to the girl who used to be friends with everyone, because everyone seemed so true?

What happened to the girl who used to not care if she had a boyfriend or not?

It's a cold world...

It's a tough life...

Everything is changing...

And the worst part is...

It isn't getting any better...

Girls are pretending to be someone they're not, boys are trying too hard to be too cool so that they can fit in!

But at what price?

Is popularity worth it?

Does losing ourselves feel good?

Does having two faces feel comfortable?

So dear future me,

I'm not asking much.

I'm not here to give you a lecture.

I just want one thing!




Be yourself.

Work for a cause, not for applause.

You don't need pats on your back for your achievements.

You don't need someone to complement you.

Because it's your life, and it's your time.

So aspire to inspire.

Because when you expire,

You'll know that you were given a life for a reason.

So make it count.

Because you are enough.

And if others can't accept the real you...

And if others can't see that you are worth it...

It's their lost.

Not yours.

Keep that in mind...

Dear Future MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin