I knew I wasn't supposed to hear that so I said nothing while I continued to work.

He sat there for a time, watching me work, making a few suggestions whenever I got stuck.

It was actually very pleasant and helpful.

After we completed the logo, we went back to Gun Ho and helped him with the rest of the project.

I don't recall what time it was or how Seokjin and I ended up on the couch in the break room, but sometime in the early morning, Gun Ho woke us up.

"I let you sleep as long as I could, but employees will be here soon and I didn't want there to be gossip." He told us with a hint of a smile on his face.

I felt groggy and exhausted as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

I felt Seokjin stir beside me.

I froze.

We had fallen asleep sitting on the couch and somehow I ended up in his arms with a small blanket over us.

And one arm was still wrapped around my waist.

Seokjin used his other hand to rub his eyes.
His hair was slightly messy, and his cheeks flushed from sleep. His lips were extra pouty. I couldn't help but admire how adorable he looked.

He caught me staring and raised an eyebrow before a yawn escaped his lips.

"What time is it?" He asked Lee Gun Ho, groggily.

"Almost six o'clock." The man replied, "I'm shocked but we were able to do a week's work in one night. I'm very impressed with you both. You make a great team." Gun Ho smiled proudly.

My face felt hot, partly due to his words, and mostly due to the fact that I was completely aware of Seokjin's hand still casually holding my waist.

Why won't he let go?

I pushed the blanket off of me to give him an opening to move his hand but he still didn't budge.
Instead he continued talking to our boss, like an oblivious fool, "Do you think we're ready to pitch it today?"

"Maybe. It usually takes a day to set up a meeting." Lee Gun Ho added, "I think you should both take the day off and rest. I'll call you in if I can get them here today."
Then, he left to see to it, leaving Seokjin and I sitting awkwardly on the couch.

I turned towards him, but instead of his hand sliding off, it moved to the small of my back.

"So I guess our late night working was a bit pointless. We could've just done it today." I laughed nervously.

His gentle touch on my back was strange.

Not unwelcome, though, to my surprise. It was almost...


Seokjin tilted his head in thought before shaking it, "No. The sooner it was done the better. Thankfully we can rest before we present it."

I nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, again." He said, with a rare smile on his lips. "We couldn't have done it without you."

I returned the smile, "We're a team, dummy."


Those words had come out affectionately.

We sat there in yet another awkward silence.

My gaze fell to his chest, where the top buttons to his black button up had come undone, exposing his pale firm chest and the tops of his broad shoulders.

I felt his hand move on my back, anticipating him to remove it.

But instead, he just adjusted it, his palm pressed a bit more firmly against me.

I bit my lip, nervously.

My heart was racing.
I raised my eyes, only to be locked in by his own.

His gaze startled me, my breath catching in my throat.

He was looking at my lips, almost hungrily.

He has never looked at me like this before...

He leaned forward, his hand pushing gently against my back, easing me towards him.

His other hand reached for my face....

I don't know what came over me but it was like an instinct I couldn't ignore.

"Taehyung kissed me last night." I blurted out.

His hand froze in midair.

I didn't realize I was breathing so hard.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I was so certain my face would melt off at that point.
And I just couldn't look at his.

Then, his hand was gone.

It suddenly felt cold on my back.
Or maybe it was just shift of the room's mood.

Seokjin sat up, away from me, running a hand through his hair.
I opened my mouth to speak but he stood up, cutting me off, "We should go before people show up. Make sure you rest today."

He left.

I sat there, mouth hanging open like an idiot.

W-what just happened?

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