The Rebel Journal: Initiation Day

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Hey, it's Jacob again. Initiation was a fucking blast, I'm tellin ya. We got chased down by the police, yea. We did some illegal shit, yea. But I have never felt a rush like that before. Ever.

Here's how it all went down.


After school, I called up Auntie and told her that I was going to be home late because of this new club I joined. I know what you must be thinking, this loser? In clubs? Bro, c'mon. But hey it was the best I got. Can you believe that she actually fell for it? It sucks to lie to Auntie but I think I prefer living over being a no show. I would probably die if I don't show up for these guys.

Anyways, I finally catch up with Chase. She's accompanied by Kyohei. He's pretty uptight for a rebel group member. And he's completely not her type. Are they DATING? I hope not. Hey why am I caring? Why am I ranting about this? Whatever, let's get back on topic.

"Heeeyy Jakey!" Chase exclaims, running up to me with her hand up. I suspected that she wanted a high five so I gave her one. She looked pleased.

Kyohei head nodded, "hey Jacob. Shall we get going?" Even his voice is uptight. I nod, though. Then we're on our way.

On our way to the HQ, I realize that this was a huge mistake. What the fuck am I thinking? What will happen if I don't pass initiation? I'm probably gonna be home late, too. I have no idea what possessed me to go on with this, but thank God it did.

The walk to the HQ was silent, except for the occasional laughs from Chase and Kyohei. Sometimes he would crack a joke and she would punch his arm and laugh. Or she would crack a joke and he would chuckle. These two were definitely flirting. I know Chase isn't my girlfriend or anything but, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't jealous. Even though I barely know her from a hole in a wall.

At the HQ, everyone is waiting there. Were we late?

"Heeeyyy! You're early holy shit," DJ exclaims, heading towards us. I guess we weren't late after all. He gives Kyohei a punch in the arm, a noogie to Chase and guess what he gives me? I hard ol' punch in the stomach. And that shit hurt.

AJ scans us three, me being the last (and the longest). Then he chuckles to himself. Am I really that pathetic?

"Alright kid so here's the plan," he starts, "sit down."

DJ leads me to the couch I woke up on yesterday, and I sit down. AJ is one incredibly intimidating guy. From his hair, all the way down to his steel toed boots. I don't think I ever want to get on his bad side.

"For the first part of initiation, we're going to start with something mild. You are to spray paint your signature onto a wall. But a wall of our choosing, If you disobey, or if you do this incorrectly, you are immediately kicked out. And trust me, you're not going to be let off the hook that easily. Got that?" I can feel myself shaking, but I nod anyways.

"Alright then," his eyes have been locked with mine for the past five minutes, this is terrifying, "next, for the second part of initiation you are to vandalize something. Something of our choosing, again. By vandalize, I mean break it, write on it, fucking piss on that shit if you want. You do what you want but it has to be approved by the majority of us. If we don't like it, again, you're out. Are you listening?" I nod again, shaking even more. I glance over at Chase and she gives me a smile and a thumbs up. I hope I'm not blushing.

"Good. Now, for the third and last part of initiation, you are to protest in front of a police officer." I felt all the blood in my body run out. My fingers became cold, my eyes went dry as well the inside of my mouth; I felt like dying. Maybe I was. His eyes pierced into mine and I could tell that he knew that I was terryfied. Maybe all of them knew. "The police officer and the subject you're gonna protest about is completely up to you. But yet again, it has to go through our approval. These are the obstacles you must go through, and if you really want to join this group then you might just pass all of them. But I'm not making any promises." He stands in front of me with his arms folded across his chest and his legs far apart. His voice raises as he yells, "NOW ARE YOU FUCKING READY?" I want to cower in my shadow and say no..but I can't. At least not now. So I stand up ball my hands into fists while they rest at my sides. I stand with my legs apart as he does and yell in response, "I'M READY."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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