Chapter 40 (The End)

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Spend the day roaming around on a scooter, with her on my back. Throw coins in the Trevi Fountain, now I know, I'll probably never get to do those things. It was either George taking her life, or mine. And if I get the choice, it's going to be me that goes.

She's too precious to me, and if I die knowing I saved her life, then I'll die a happy person. I got to love her, and that's all that really matters to me. She's the soul reason for my existence, and dying would be much better than living with out her.

Nik, her real Father, arrived, with another one I recognized, the guy from that day with Bart. "There was a break in at her apartment," Nik spoke.

"Do you think it was him?" I asked.

"All evidence proceeds it to be, the place is trashed, he was definitly searching for her. We don't have much time until he figures out she's not exactly here. Jack, you were thinking on your feet. Thank you for doing everything you can to protect my daughter. I know she thinks you hurt her, but infact you are keeping her from him."


I wanted to hear her voice, no I needed too. She'd be coming home soon, and my time would be up. I would be gearing up for the fight of my life. I swirled the key around my finger, the one to her house. Nik gave it to me, for safe keeping, while he figures all of this out.

I walked to my car, putting my keys in the ignition. It was a act of missing her, I couldn't call, couldn't text. Although, if I tried, she wouldn't answer. She hates me, and I get that. But all I want to do is hold her in my arms, and tell her how much I love her.

It was late, and the moon was already in the sky. The drive to her house, was short, although when I pulled in the drive way, it was unfamiliar with out her there. The place, was cleaned up from George's attempts at finding her.

Her things were still scattered, I walked into his bedroom, where on the table beside her bed, was a picture. I blinked, holding the cracked glass in my hands, it was of us, before things went wrong. Before, the bad ever began to happen.

It was late, as I stared out on the skyline of the unknown city. The routine has been in place for quite some time, another day, another place. We're somewhere in the middle of no where, the cool air pricks my shoulders. "Babe," I hear beside me, from a voice I know all too well.

I turn to her, she's clad in jeans and my sweatshirt. A smile on her beautiful face, I wrap an arm around her, holding her to my body. "You okay?" she asks.

"I'm fine, just kind of mesmerized. A lot of things are happening, good things." I speak, clasping my hands around her neck," like this," I place a kiss to her lips.

She nods, "I like this."

"Me too baby," I hum, pecking her lips once more.

"Look what I got," she chimes, breaking from my embrace, leaving a frown on my face. She holds a digital camera, she snaps a picture of me. "You look so adorable."

I shake my head, chuckling, I take it from her, facing it forward, taking her in my arms and clicking a picture of the two of us. "Now that's an adorable picture." I speak, kissing her cheek. She nods, taking the camera from me, setting it on the table.

"I'll show you adorable," she smirked, lust clouding in those sexy blue eye's. It was a sudden change of pace, when she wrapped her arms around my neck. I could feel the intensity, the spark, that made every time feel like the first.

I pressed her flat into the mattress, and had her moaning my name in seconds. She wanted me to touch her, to take her clothes off, and it felt like heaven. Fuck, she's heaven, and probably the closest damn thing I will ever get to it.

Drew Grier: A Broken GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ