Chapter Eighteen: Hot Wire

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Sorry this chapter is so short! love you guys and thanks for the love!


Apparently we weren't that far away from a city. It was one of those little ones where everyone's probably knows everyone else and the local fair is the biggest and most exciting event that happens throughout the year.

I had managed to swipe some different clothes from a second hand place and to my surprise and delight I found a mechanics place wedged between a sketchy bowling alley and a pizza place.

"Come on" I said pulling Peter behind me as I proceeded to j-walk across the not so busy street. If you're wondering what the hell is going on between the two of us the least I can say is that there wasn't any awkwardness between us like I had thought there would be. Neither of us said a word on the subject and I was totally fine with that.

"What are we doing?" he asked rather confused.

"You'll see" I said craning my neck around a corner to two directions to check for potential trouble.

As I had predicted there were multiple cars in the back. some of them looked like they had gone untouched for at least thirteen years, but a particular blue 1987 Buick Regal.

"No... no way we're stealing a freakin car Josie" Peter hissed at me as I walked/skipped over to it and slid into the front seat.

"Got any better ideas?" I asked as I leaned over to get at the steering column. "and besides, you can't say you haven't stolen your fair share of stuff." I managed to kick it off after a few tries.

"I've corrupted you" He scoffed going to sit on the hood and I only smirked.

I managed to pick out the ignition wires (they ran vertically) but I needed to sever them, "go find me wire cutters" I said and in a split second he appeared at my side holding out his hand with what I needed.

It took me roughly five minuets to carefully strip the wires about an inch back then pressed it to the wire for the engine battery happily getting a spark and a low grumble of the engine. I made sure to test the gas a few times so it wouldn't stall on me. The only obstacle left was the steering lock which, given the heart breaking state of this car, would break with just a good bit of force.

To my delight the car started up and I got the steering lock disabled, albeit it almost sounded like it was gonna give out on me for a second.

"So where did you learn to hot wire a car?" Peter asked, sitting next to me now in the passenger seat facing me with an elbow on the dash as I pulled out of the lot. How we got away with this I do not know.

"I spent a solid four hours once reading a car manual" I said wishing it was a cooler story, "I could probably tell you every part and what it does... If you know how it works then its not hard" I shrugged. Contemplating the whole situation.

So here I was on my way in an illegal vehicle with my silvery-haired moron, in a place I didn't even, know where, trying to get back to the institute.

And to be honest, the only thing that predominantly stood out in my mind was I really missed my own bed.


A/N: As promised I got a chapter out! Now that doesn't mean it's a good one at all :)

Sorry it's so short!

Also yes I know how to hot wire a car PLEASE DO NOT GO DOING THIS ON YOUR OWN! DON'T STEAL CARS GUYS! Sorry I feel like I had to put this out the cause of moral reasons lol. Also, most cars these days simply cannot be hot wired like the used to.

Question of the day: what's your favorite movie?

My answer: The Book of Life or any marvel movie that's not Thor

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