Chapter Thirty Two: The Snow Bubble

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Sound Track: Who We Are -Imagine Dragons


I had been sitting like a prisoner for the past ten minutes. It was getting to the point where I felt like I was going to explode if someone didn't shut this girl up. She wasn't even giving a speech yet. She was just talking to those who seemed like body guards.

My gaze started to get tossed around as to not go crazy and find something entertaining or something that could get me and those around me out of this situation. Then I noticed something; it's the end of January, I was outside and I wasn't freezing. I had been out walking (more like freezing) with Wanda just a few days ago.

Little white dots caught my eye and it was as I predicted; snowflakes were falling from the heavens, but they were not reaching the ground as they should have been doing. They gathered on the top of what seemed to be a giant invisible dome. They would stop there like a fly bought in a spiders web, then they would melt and send tiny strips of liquid racing down the sides. I immediately looked around for the cause of it. It had to be a mutant, but they must have been out of my view.

"I just want to make one thing very clear, we are not the enemy here" I loud voice finally spoke up. "everyone on this lawn is a mutant, our visions are similar."

"Then what do you want from us at two in the morning?" Another voice said from the crowd, the only reason I knew who it was is because I recognized the voice as Sage's. Phoebe looked surprised, as if she had not anticipated being interrupted.

She paused, processing what had been said, "look, I won't lie to all of you; there is a war starting. Some are saying that it's dying with the fall of Trask industries" there was a change or dip in her voice when she mentioned Trask, I couldn't pinpoint if it was out of fear or hate. "But it's not, the circulation of the Registration Act is nothing but another way to force people to be afraid of mutant who may have a devastating set of abilities but may never use them for harm. My program is purely political, we're not her to force anyone to do anything."

"Then leave" Sage said. Phoebe clenched her jaw, clearly restraining herself. Sage got a couple sounds of agreement from the rest of the crowd.

"Listen to me for a moment!-" She cried, but she was interrupted by an object flying too close to her head for comfort.

Piotr, the guard beside me instantly became some kind of metal in a defensive tactic. I looked to the crowd to see a part in the masses and Marrow was in the middle of it, a look of defiance glimmered in her eye. It took only seconds for gunshots to begin to be fired. The crowd ducked down in sync like a school of fish, some people were collapsing from gunshots.

Chaos erupted as people began to fight back. Kids were being pushed to the ground and out of the way. I took the opportunity to dive into the crowd, pushing past bodies, looking for the green glint of my sister's hair. It was killing me not to be able to read people, it would make it ten times easier to spot her.

I saw her ducking the crowd with the small Rachel girl. They were running towards the institute. I instantly followed them. My mind was trying to find everyone I cared about as I pushed my way through a frantic and angry crowd.

My arm was suddenly caught up in someone's grip "where are you going, sweetheart?" Phoebe's voice hissed in my ear as her tight grip began to drag me through the scattering crowd. I stumbled on my feet as I tried to stop her.

"let go of me" I growled.

"Oh no, no, no. We can't have that. You fascinate me therefore you're coming with me" she chuckled in a low tone. "Peter!" she called out and I looked where her gaze fell with panic seeping into my heart like blood oozing from a paper cut. My fears were put to rest when the steel man responded by looking up. "Sedative please."

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