Chapter Eight: I Hate Working

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Updated Feb 7th 2016


When the three weeks of separation between the age groups was over, I had to actually go to classes. it 

Around six-thirty in the morning my alarm clock dragged me kicking and screaming from my peaceful dreams. Smacking the little shrieking monster next to me on my nightstand, I literally rolled out of bed.

When I saw myself in the full length mirror I pulled a face at my ridiculously poof-ball like hair. There was no way I was going to even try to tame it with a brush.

Grumbling to myself, I dragged my feet to the shower which was no where near as warm as I would have liked it to be, but I guess that's what you get when you wake up half an hour later than the majority of the school. I wasn't late, but I didn't want to chance it. Breakfast was at seven until seven forty-five and classes started at eight and since I'm the kind of person who uses every minuet of my morning I have to be productive for the whole time.

At breakfast I chose a vacant table and ate my fruit and eggs in quiet contented peace until I was joined by Jean, who was accompanied by Scott who brought along Warren who was talking with Tessa. Having so many people come to join made me have to adjust. I wasn't looking for friends, they just sort of appeared.

"Morning Josephine" Jean said as she sat down next to me. I smiled in response, waving slightly with the hand that my fork was in.

"What classes do you have?" Tessa asked me from the opposite side of the table, two seats down.

Tessa was a nice girl, she had black hair, blue eyes and preferred the name Sage. Her mutation was fascinating; she was able to 'see' a person's genetic code, reading complex DNA sequences for latent or manifested mutations, which kinda allowed her to sense mutants and in many cases, understand how their powers work more thoroughly than they do themselves. After analyzing the DNA of another mutant, Sage was sometimes able to selectively evolve their existing genetic traits as well as catalyze the untapped genetic potential of latent mutants, however the procedure is irreversible and can result in unpredictable side effects. She's also got incredible advanced intellectual capabilities, her mind works in the same way a computer with unlimited storage capacity does, only much faster and without losing the particular complex processing capabilities of the human brain. She was able to perform several mental functions at once without losing focus on any one of them. Sage also can track the probability of an event by piecing together stored data, and she can perform multiple tasks at once by allocating a portion of her brain to each task. She was hands-down, one of the most fascinating people I've ever had the chance of reading.

I pulled out my schedule from my bag and handed it to her. As she examined it I turned to Jean.

"Have you seen the papers?" I asked. Her eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head. Reaching into my bag I pulled out the paper Peter had brought me the previous night.

Warren looked at it over her shoulder. "Oh yeah, kids have already started coming up missing" He said with mouthful of cereal pointing at it. "Read the article underneath" He added as he swallowed.

As Jean's eyes scanned the the small printed text as I went to go put my dishes away. I took my time to smile at some of the younger kids. I mostly tried to come off as un-intimidating mostly because I knew that when I was little, the older kids always seemed to daunting to me. Upon my return Sage handed me my schedule back.

"I put a little dot next to the classes we have together" She said and I smiled at her and nodded examining the already wrinkled and slightly ruined paper.

"Hey Josie, I know I might be a terrible person for forgetting, but what's your last name again?"

"Dane, what makes you ask?"

"And I do remember you said your sisters name is Lorna, righ?" Jean asked, not looking up from the paper.

"Yeah?..." I picked up my bag instead of sitting back down, about to head off to my first class.

"She's on the list" She said in a quiet voice, holding up the paper a little. I took it from her and the table fell silent as they watched me. It wasn't a rude gesture, just sympathetic.

Just like she had said, there it was, "Lorna Dane" on the list of maybe thirty or forty kids. It took all I had not to completely shred the paper that I held in my hands.


"Excuse me" I said to the group as I turned on my heels and walked out of the dinning room. I moved at a half jog half walk through the hallways and up stairs with only one destination in mind. I rapped my knuckles on the door, bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet out of nerves and anxiety. Once I got the go-ahead, I opened the door and was the first to speak.

"Can I get the day off?" I asked quickly.

Professor Xavier was looking at me with slight surprise.

"Actions should not be carried out by anger." He told me, putting the pen he currently held in his hand in the container to his left.

He was right, I wasn't scared or worried- I was pissed. Pissed at my parents for letting something like this happen.

"Just one day, please." I begged. "You, of all people know this isn't a one-time thing. I just need to talk to my family."

He sighed, "I'm going to trust you Josephine" He said and I smiled.

"Thank you so much" I said as I half ran out of his office. Once I shut his door I took off at a full sprint to my dorm.

I dropped my bag on my bed, grabbed my jacket and keys and ran down the hall again nearly colliding with Sage.

"Whoa, were are you going Josie?" She asked

"To go have a lovely chat with family" I said and she smiled at me approvingly.


A/N: Haha! Another successful update! I hope you all liked it! If you did please hit me up on that favorite or tell me through a comment! I really do love getting feedback from you guys, even the little stuff goes a long way!

Question time again! whose the one superhero (who doesn't already have a movie or hasn't been in one) that you'd want to see make it to the silver screen the most?

My answer? Cloak and Dagger. their dark and gritty and totally worthy of a batman- esq movie.

Hugs and butterfly-kisses


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