A Superhero In Waiting

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"I'm sorry," you repeated, the shattered remains of Juliet's encounter with Andy all around you. "It's my fault this happened, Andy..."

"No," Andy replied after a clear of the throat. His Adam's apple bobbed, and he looked to your limp hands, studying a finger for a moment.

"You're not just a fan," he told you, squeezing your hand. "You're... something else. Something special."

You listened with your mind barely there.

Yeah, right.

Despite the sour sarcasm, you kept your brain working. Your mind wanted to shut down, to hide away from all of this and wait for something good to wake you up. But you kept sitting there, watching Andy reach out and open your palm.

The tiny bits of glass fell, each one red in his blood.

"We have the power to squeeze," he began, "to make these shards hurt. But that would cover up their beauty. So we need to stretch the platform out"—and at this, your hand bowed out, stretching before relaxing once more--"and keep the beauty where people can see it."

"You're saying this beauty?" you asked, briefly looking up, one brow moving in question. "This is forged from pain."

Andy paused, and then curled your fingers, momentarily covering half the pile in your palm.

"Maybe so," he said, looking to you.
"But maybe not." And the shards were in full view again, each one glimmering despite the blood. "Maybe they're just waiting for the right moment to shine."

You couldn't help but smile, even if the analogy was a bit morbid, considering you were talking about bleeding glass.

You couldn't help the feeling in your chest, either. That swell of purpose. For the first time... you felt like you belonged somewhere.

You felt like you were at the beginning of the starting line, stretching and getting ready for the race to begin.  And when the gun sounded, you'd be off, chasing after the sound of the bullet and trying to match that speed. When that gun fired, you'd be ready.

You were sure of it.


Contrary to your first thought, you ended up using Andy's shower. The one in his bathroom, not the guest one. After you stepped out and dried off, your eyes caught sight of what was hanging from the back of the bathroom door.

A Batman robe, pointy ears protruding from the hood. You thought about it for a moment, and decided that after what just happened, you should take the next step. With a smile, you reached a hand out to the robe.


"Nanananananana-bathman!" You slid to the side, arms open wide as Andy bowed forward, one fist to his grinning mouth.

As you dug around for clothes, Andy returned to whatever he'd been doing while you were in his shower. You glanced back a few times, quickly picking out a shirt as you asked him the question on your mind.

"What'cha doing?"

He tapped the down arrow on his laptop a few times. "Reading horrible fanfiction about myself because I'm an arrogant sadist."

You stopped walking to him, shocked. "What?!"

He looked up at you, one hand sweeping into his hair.

"What?" he returned, shrugging one shoulder. "I just told you I'm an arrogant sadist."


He turned back to reading, tapping on the down key a few times. "Have you ever written about me?"

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now