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The text came five minutes later, and your heart stopped beating. Your brain stopped functioning, too, and you don't remember picking up your phone. It remained in your hand, eyes on the new message.

Hey! Yeah, of course I remember you! How're you doing?

'Fucking fantastic,' you thought.

With shaking fingers, you started to type back.

Fine! you replied quickly. Warped was great! You put on a great show-you quickly backspaced, not wanting to come off as too much of a fan-Saw some awesome acts!

One minute later, a reply. Your heart skipped again; you couldn't believe this was happening.

Oh yeah? What was your favorite one?

You paused, wanting to type uh, YOURS and thought. You did see an acoustic show that was pretty awesome...

Elder Brother was pretty rad, you typed out with a small smile, remembering the set. I didn't know about them before seeing them live but they were pretty cool.

I saw them on the lineup! They're acoustic, right?

'Damn he types fast,' you thought. And then replied, Yeah, they're acoustic! Here I'll send you some songs.
I love music like this lol

A few minutes (and a shaky drink of water) later, a new text came in.

I love the lyrics! Music's pretty awesome, too! Thanks for the share!

Yeah no prob, you replied, feeling your insides quake.

I caught Front Porch Step's set yesterday. You heard of them?

You hadn't, and you told him so.

Pretty sweet artist. Also acoustic. Here:

I like his voice, you replied after the first few seconds of listening to the first song.

Yeah, it's a little different, isn't it? Pretty nice guy, too. Talked with him, didn't get a CD signed ;D

You laughed out loud, covering your mouth with a hand. Yeah. Thanks again for that.

No problem! he replied.

You weren't sure what to say to that, but you kept thinking for a few minutes, setting your phone down and sipping at your water, trying to think of something that wasn't creepy/embarrassing/too "fan-ish".

A new text message interrupted your thoughts. It was from the friend who went to Warped.

Hey! Send me some pics from the shows when you get the chance, k?

New text from Andy's number:
Hey if it's not too much to ask, would you wanna meet up at the next stop?

You blinked.


You mean the one tomorrow? you typed back.

Two days from now, technically. We're on our way there now. I could sign a few more CDs for you!

You almost laughed at that, grinning like a mad fool.

Sure, you replied, having no clue how you were getting there.

Cool, he said, and then gave a friendly confirmation of the location.

You decided to break off the conversation, saying how you probably should get some sleep. He complied instantly, agreeing and wishing you a good night.

You weren't tired.

You freaked out to your friend over the phone, explaining everything in a rushed voice. How Andy FUCKING Biersack just gave you his phone number and OHMYGOD he was so nice and he wanted you to go to the next stop on Warped and-

"WAIT WAIT WAIT," your friend interjected over the loudspeaker, "The next stop? That's a state over."

Oh no. Your heart sunk and then hit rock bottom, shattering into a thousand pieces.

"You're right. I already told him I'd be there. What do I do?"

"Pack your bags," your friend said. "This means road trip."

A/N: Chapter two is done! Let me know your thoughts with a vote/comment!

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now