
"I got you some food that has a lot of protein in it, and I got you these vitamins." She took the bottle of vitamins out the bag. "Just two a day."

"Aight, preciate ya." I spoke while reading the bottle. "You going to the shelter today?"

"Yea, I'm gonna go cook for them later on. Wondering if I should make steak and stuffed baked potatoes or spaghetti."

"Save the steak and baked potatoes for Sunday, I'll help you get the stuff for 'em."

"Why Sunday? You broke today?"

"Nah." I laughed. "I just don't feel like going to the ATM today."

"Hm." She cut the stove off and moved the pot full of soup. "Have you been talking to that girl lately? The real pretty one."

"Everyone I talk to pretty Ma." I smirked.

"I'm talking about the really pretty one. Her and her mom was at the shelter with us."

"Oh, Celiné? Yea." I smiled. "I was just textin' her."

"You like her huh? You smiled as soon as you said her name."

"Nah, nah, I don't like her - I mean, I do, just as a friend though. She cool people."

"You said that about the last girl you were with." She sighed. "Too bad she was a whore."

"Mama, come on now." I shook my head.

"I just feel like you and Celiné could be something special. She obviously has some things to handle before she could even think about dating anyone right now, but I think you two would be a perfect match."

"We just friends, and I'm sure that's how it's going to stay." I spoke before putting two vitamin pills in my mouth.

"You think she'll go back to her husband?" She asked me as she started to look through my pantry. "I hope you do get a wife soon because this kitchen is always empty." She shook her head.

"Aight ma, you have fun down here." I chuckled. "I'm gon' go take me a nap."

"Alright." She waved me off.


"This one is nice, isn't it?" I spoke while slowly driving pass the vacant home.

"A grey brick house? Honey, it looks dark." My mom spoke.

"Who cares about the outside. I'm calling the number." I stopped the car and pulled out my phone.

I was out looking for a small three bedroom house because living with my parents right now is hell, and I need my own environment.
After looking around neighborhoods for another hour, we headed back home so I could feed Chad and put him on some clothes.

While I sat down on the couch feeding him, my phone started to ring, August name popped up.

"Hello?" I answered a little too quick.

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