I Will Always Remember Sunday.

Start from the beginning

"Hello Baby" He walked towards me, completley sober, I actually for a second thought he would be fine like drinking and drugs made him a monster but his phist connecting with my face and sending me flying backwards to the floor convinced me otherwise. 

My suitcase was dragged away from me and thrown somewhere the crash it caused knocking some sense into me, I got up on shaky footing his angry face looming in front of me. 

"just let me go please I wont tell anyone I promise" I crumbed under his gaze holding my aching face in one hand shielding it from him, he had a crazy look in his eyes and bit of rubber tied around his arm, he'd been shooting up.


He grabbed me by my neck and dragged me into the living room choking me the entire time, I thought the skin from my neck would just rip away from me, he pressed me up against the table from behind, and placed both of his hands over my chest, touching me inappropriately, I opened my mouth to speak but he slapped me in the face, so I shut up.

"So heres the plan kiddo, you give me what I want like your whore of a mother then just like her you die exept this time youll be dead before a bastard child has a chance of being born" He pulled at the zipper on Alex's hoody trying to get it off my body, his hands romaming to touch me everywhere, he bent his head down to bite the side of my neck, I felt him get excited and all the adrenaline pumped to my body I need to stop this.

My eyes darted to the big heavy vase on the table and without flinching I pushed him off me and grabbed it the weight feeling heavy in my hands, I picked it up with all my strength and crashed it over his head, sending his body hurling to the floor, the vase smashed around him and there was no movement in his eyes, I lent down to listen to his heartbeat but there wasn't one.

I killed him I killed my own father, I wanted to run, cry, breakdown, all at the same time but my composure stayed I stood there looking down at his lifeless body and made a split decision, I need to run, I cant stay here, I cant to that Alex and Rian, I'm a killer that's not a good image for All Time Low I cant do that to them, Me staying will ruin every chance they have of there dreams, I had to leave now. 

I ran to the downstairs bathroom knowing the window could be closed from the outside, that way I can get out without having to touch his body and look for the keys, I opened up the small window and pushed my backpack out first, and then shimmied my body out dropping onto the grass in garden, that's when I started running. 

I ran and I ran and I ran, my plan cut though the park get to the bus station, get the hell out of Baltimore, run until they find you and if they don't keep running, run anyway from everything here in Baltimore from Alex and Rian, I convinced myself that would be better for them its like my dad said I'm worthless and nobody will ever love me I don't deserve love, I just need to get out of this town, my bruises will fade with the memories over time but my scars they will last forever, I pulled down my sleeve and watched as the droplett's of rain hit against the masses of scars from my dads handy little knife, as from now I had no father I was an oprphan, Ella never existed. 

I ran through the park that cut right in the middle of Baltimore knowing the bus station was a five minute run from here, I wonder if they have found his body yet I wonder if there looking for me, I came to the footbridge that went across the small lake, I looked around and nobody was out, most people wouldn't risk this rain, I pulled out my phone ready to destroy it, I pressed the middle button and the image of me and Alex together flashed on my lock screen, His big happy smile and brown eyes fixed on mine whilst I took the photo, I had to call him, I searched for his name and called his phone. 

"Hello bitches you've reached the answering machine of Alex Gaskarth leave me a message and if your sexy enough ill get back to you" Hearing his voice brought a tear to my eye and made all the memories flood back, a small smile appearing on my lips ill always remember his cute cocky attitude, BEEP. 

"Alex Im not coming back, Ive done something so terrible. Im terrified to speak, but you would expect that from me" I paused to compose myself, holding back the tears that threatened to spill over my cheek, I Noticed the heavy rain thundering to the ground around me.

I have to leave, start a new life its the only way, I held the phone higher up to my ear crying even more, I will never forgive myself.

"I love you" Throwing my phone into the lake, I pulled up my hood and set off down the long winding path, the Rain washing away the smell of him from my hair, I have no idea where im going but anywhere is better than here, I will only ruin his life, I have to get out. 

"Ill never forget you Alex Gaskarth" Now to start my new life and pray that every time I close my eyes I'm not reminded of horror that unfolded today, time to get to the bus station and get the first bus out of here, I thought back to the last time were both happy we had breakfast together, I will always Remember Sunday.

The End.  

(you didn't think I would really kill her off did you ??)

Cant You See To Me Your Dead.  THE SEQUEL IS UP CHECK MY PAGE :) 

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