Well I Guess I'll Go Home Now...

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Alex's Pov.

My eyes gently opened and adapted to the surroundings, fuck I must have fallen asleep just laying with Ella last night, so that means today is graduation and the start of her new life, I opened my eyes fully and rolled to the side expecting to crash against her body but instead I fell right off the end of the bed, I quickly shot up still fully dressed and took in my surroundings, light out and no Ella. 

Without thinking about it I just ran downstairs almost tripping over my own feet to check for her, not in the dining room, not in the kitchen, Finlay I ran into the living room to a sleeping Rian sprawled out on the couch, I placed both my hands on his shoulders and roughly shook him awake, his eyes darted open and he was quickly alert. 

"Have you seen Ella?" Rian pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the time, his eyes went went and he was on his feet and pulling me to the door in no time. 

"She told me she was going for coffee two hours ago" Fuck, I darted to my car grabbing my keys from the bowl on the way, I locked up the house in record time and jumped in the car Rian dived in after me and I had set off down the road before his door was closed. 

"She just said she was going for a walk clear her head she wanted to be alone why the fuck dident I follow her" Rian looked destroyed all the colour drained out of his face, we were both thinking the same thing, shes gone home. 

We were both silent for the short ride there, I pulled up to the house with great force, her dad's car was here that was a bad sign, I jumped out of my side not even locking the door I just had one of those gut feelings what has he done.

Rian got to the front door first, It was locked he banged on the door, I prayed she would open it all in one piece, I decided to check the windows, the front ones had the drapes drawn and weren't visible, I had to climb over there wooden fence to getting into the back garden, I ran straight to the back checking both windows, the first window was clear so I checked the next one what I saw will stay with me forever.

Ella's dad lie on the living room floor unmoving a broken vase shattered around his head, my whole body stopped I couldn't speak, I just had to get in there, the back door had a glass panel above handle taking a lose brick from there fire pit I smashed though the door, I shoved my hand into the hole I had created getting it cut in the process and turned the keys that were in lock letting myself in. 

Being quiet and careful I ran to her dads side, looking closer now I could see all the colour drained out of his body, I remembered basic health class and checked his pulse, pressing my two fingers onto his wrist first and then his neck. Nothing. 

I examined his body closer, on his left arm he had a piece of rubber strapping tied around the top, track marks covering him, I was care full not to touch him anymore and pulled out my phone dialing 911. 

"Baltimore 911 whats your emergency?" The female operator spoke in a loud calm voice. 

"My girlfriends abusive father is dead on the living room floor and shes nowhere to seen" The operator sill calm and cool spoke again. 

"Can I have your location please sir?" I thought for a moment trying to remember what street and house number this was. 

"Umm 24 king's street" she put me aside for a few minutes and barked out some orders to someone on the other end. 

"Police forces and an ambulance on the way I'm going to need to you step out of the house sir and try not to touch anything at all" She spoke so calmly and collected how can she just be this calm. 

"I need to find her what if hes hurt her" She spoke faster now cleary re evaluating the situation. 

"Please sir the police will do there job just leave the house and wait out front" How could she be so calm my nerves were on breaking point. 

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