🍃Chapter 23🍃

Start from the beginning


"Are you satisfied now?"

Jimin said as Hoseok climbed off of his lap, nodding his head, he stretched a bit before turning to face jimin, a huge grin on his face, it took a whole week of running around back and forth doing whatever Hoseok told him to do for jimin to finally get his answer.

"Now then for the issue with gguk...."

Hoseok started saying as he begun explaining everything to jimin from the beginning, listening intently, jimin just watched as Hoseok headed towards the washroom still talking on the way, his naked body moving out of view, although his voice was resonating off the walls of the washroom.

"Then why chose Y/n, i mean they are plenty other Sucubuses aren't they?"

Jimin said angrily, Hoseok just came and stood in front of the bathroom door, shrugging his shoulders, he returned to setting his bath, jimin just layed on the bed, tapping his fingers impatiently.

Nine weeks it's been nine weeks since he last saw you and he hasn't heard from Lilith and Lilu in a while and everything has just been frustrating, his patience was starting to run thin and lord or not, if he doesn't get what he wants, he might just take his anger out on Hoseok.

"Yoongi probably has his reasons, whether his intentions are good or bad, we won't know until.....well it's too late"

Hoseok said his voice sounding far away as he slid himself down into the bath tub, leaning his head back on the wall, he closed his eyes for a brief moment, before opening them slowly, even he himself didn't know why Yoongi had taken you of all people, out of all the other demons, why you?







"What the fuck is this!? You're sleeping with him behind my back!?"

The booming voice of Yoongi sounded loudly throughout the room, the noise causing you to jump back suddenly, finally getting out of Lee's grip, Lee just looked at you smirking before black smoke surrounded him and within a second he was gone, leaving you there cowering in fear, the covers clutched tightly to your chest as the tears threatened to fall.

Yoongi stalked towards you angrily, he was literally fuming at the mouth and all you could do was watch in agony, your eyes catching a glimpse of your reflection in the side mirror, you couldn't help but let the tears fall, how did everything become like this, one hand covering your mouth, the sound of Yoongi's approaching footsteps were drowned out by the beating of your heart, the sound echoing in your ears louder than ever before.


Yoongi yelled his voice louder than before, one hand yanking your hair backwards, his face inches from your own, the pain causing your eyes to shut tightly, the only thing that left your mouth was an array of sorry's one after the other, with one push, you fell unto the floor, his back turned to you, your sobs filling up the room, how could you.....how could you tell him the truth under these circumstances, would he ever believe you?

"Im sending you back to the human world today, and please for your own good, stay out of my sight"

The words that left his mouth, was something that seemed foreign to him, those simple words hurt him more than it would ever hurt you, why hadn't he seen this from the start, all Sucubbuses were the same, just driven by lust but at the end of the day he had hoped you were different, hoped he had been right just this once, in the end it seemed that he had been wrong to fall for another once again.

Standing up on wobbly feet, you clutched the bed sheets to your chest, wiping the tears from your eyes with one hand, you reluctantly nodded your head, maybe this was for the best, at least this time you can just disappear from everyones life just like before, someplace where no one would bother looking for you.







3 months later

"Jungkook sweetheart"

Yuu said touching jungkook on the shoulder, she had been calling him for a while now but he hadn't answered her, jungkook jumped back suddenly, turning to look at Yuu, he looked at her confused and that's when it happened, the headache that he had been having for the past week came back, with full force this time,  one hand touching his head, he started hyperventilating, his breathing becoming ragged, Yuu started panicking, she tried touching his shoulder but within a second she was pushed into a wall, the impact knocking her out immediately.

His heart rate increasing, his body becoming numb, seeing as he was no longer capable of keeping his balance, his feet gave out as he fell unto the floor, his body becoming hot by the second, what was happening, he couldn't pin point what he had done for something this painfully excruciating to come upon him,  it had been a month since him and Yuu had done it, due to the fact that they had both became busy because of school and their upcoming exams, jimin hasn't been to school for two months now and although jungkook was worried no one else seemed to care.

His screams resonated through out the room as images upon images invaded his mind, the memories he had forgotten coming one after another, invading his thoughts like never before.

"Why are you making this so hard for me?"




"I love you"

Time stamp: 10:00pm

"This thing called love can be so cold"


A/n: happy new year jamlins❤

Another century has passed so heres an update😂

Thanks for being patient guy's😳💕😙

Thanks for being patient guy's😳💕😙

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