I heard footsteps behind me, and when I turned around I saw Lucas stood there, and I gave him a small smile. Earlier today he told me that when he was in the shower this morning, washing his hair, his pluming went out, that probably sucked. I never had to feel that pain considering I was rich. "How much do you wanna bet that their pluming works?" I asked, and he laughed. "Just saying." I said with a smile, before I walked off to go find her sister and Peyton.

"Hey B. Davis. Wanna play I never?" Peyton asked, when I walked into the kitchen. Which I just shrugged to, and walked over to the table as Brooke handed me a red cup of juice.

"Lucas. Come play." Brooke said a couple of minutes later.

"What's the game?" Lucas asked.

"I never." I said.

"And yet apparently you have." Vegas said to me, which caused everyone to laugh, but me, I didn't look very happy about what he said.

"Shut it, Vegas!" I said.

"Alright, the game is, we all take turns saying things that we've never done and anybody at the table who has. . bam!" Nathan said, and held a cup up for him.

"Drink." Lucas said finishing his sentence, and took the cup from Nathan.

"Alright, Theresa, you're up!" Nathan said to her.

"Okay, lets see. I've never. . had sex with anything made out of plastic." Theresa said, everyone looked around to see if anyone would drink, and surprise surprise both me and my sister took a sip from our cups, and they all just laughed at us.

"Okay, my turn. I've never. ." Brooke trailed off, as she shock her head. ". .no I did that." She said, and she laughed, we all know that this was gonna go nowhere, so Nathan cleared his throat.

"Alright, my turn. Oh, let's see. Um. . I've never. . I've never had a dad who wished I was a stain on the sheets." Nathan said, staring right into Lucas's eyes, with a smirk on his face. I sighed placing my cup on the counter top, and walking off. He promised he would stop messing with Lucas and he crossed a line. I walked over to the bathroom and tried to open it but the door wouldn't open, so I just leaned against the wall waiting for the person to come out of the bathroom. When the door opened Haley walked out of the room, and she gave me a weak smile.

"So, how's the tutoring going?" I asked.

Haley let out a sigh. "You know about that?" She asked.

"It's okay. Even though we're fighting, he still tells my everything." She said.

"Oh right forgot you were best friends." Haley said, and I laughed.

"Maybe you can teach him to stop being such a jackass." I said, and Haley laughed.

"I'll. . definitely fit that into the lesson plan somehow." Haley said, and she smiled.

"Just be careful, okay Haley." She said.

Haley nodded. "Yeah I will, thanks Brielle." Haley said, and gave me a small smile, before turning and walking off, but my next words made Haley stop.

"Does Lucas know your helping Nathan?" I asked, and Haley turned around.

"No. . and I'd really like to keep it that way." Haley said, with a sigh.

𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇 | together . . . nathan scott Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora