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i wake up with a sharp pain in my stomach, feeling eyes on me. i take a deep breath and open my eyes.


it looks like he's fallen asleep beside me, but as he hears his name he immediately looks up. a tiny smile appears on his face.

"tae," he says. his voice is hoarse. how long has he been waiting for me to wake up. "how do you feel?"

i carefully touch my stomach with my right hand. it's tightly bandaged and it hurts like hell.

"what happened?" i wonder aloud.

"you were stabbed, but dr. kim patched you up. he seems like a nice man. didn't even say anything about me borrowing his car without permission."

"you stole his car?"

"no, i borrowed it without permission."

"isn't that stealing?"

he rolls his eyes playfully. "you're just like yoongi. i brought it back, i didn't steal anything."

i chuckle, which sends a jolt of pain through my body, making me gasp. "what does your father say about this?"

jungkook's smile falls, his arms dropping to his sides. he turns away from me, staring at the window. he doesn't say anything.

"jungkook, what happened?" i ask, frowning. and the next second he breaks down crying, his head on my chest.

"he shot him, he murdered him," jungkook sobs. "we only just made up!"

oh no. it can't be.

it's all so unexpected i'm unable to even say a word. jimin was shot in his shoulder, i was stabbed, now this... also, it's the first time i've seen him cry so hard, and the sight almost makes me tear up as well. but i tell myself to control it.

how many times have i sobbed on his shoulder, making his clothes wet, how many times have i been a burden and a shaking mess? how many times has he told himself to stay strong for me? now it's jungkook's turn to be weak.

so i let him bawl his eyes out, patting him on the back and playing with his hair.

when jungkook finally calms down, we sit in silence for a little while before he whispers,

"he said he'll come back in the next 24 hours."

my eyes widen. "what? hasn't he had enough?!"

jungkook shrugs. "he still didn't get his money back. don't worry, though, i'll make everything possible to protect you. you're the only family i have," he adds seriously as he notices my frightened expression.

he's calling me family.

"i know you will," i say, smiling a little. "you always do. but wait, the only... how about your brother? i know you lost contact with him but-"

jungkook lowers his gaze. aish, why do i always say something that hurts him?!

"i'm sorry, i shouldn't have-"

"my brother," he interrupts me, "died a long time ago. he's the reason why i became what i am. but i don't wanna talk about it now."

"okay. i'm sorry. you're my only family too."

he looks up. "you have your grandma."

pang. why do i keep forgetting that i haven't told him yet?

"i... i don't, she... passed away."

jungkook grabs my hand. "what? when?"

"not too long after our breakup. she died in this same hospital, and that's why i know dr. kim. he treated me the last time as well."

"what do you mean, the last time?"

i sigh. "i... i almost had a heart attack when i lost her. and that's when my seizures got worse."

he stares at me for some time, then nods and squeezes my fingers. "i'm sorry for your loss. and i'm sorry i couldn't be there for you."

"it's my fault you couldn't."

"no, it's not. but anyway, you also have a father."

do i? i never counted the man i owe all my problems to as my father.

"not really," i mutter.

"well, he's alive, isn't he?"

it's so strange to be counting down our living relatives. do people usually do that?

"that's the thing, i can't even be sure about that. i know nothing about him, except that... well, i guess i would recognize his face from old pictures, but he's not my... dad. he's not a father to me, and i'm happy about that."

jungkook nods again. "right. but anyway, that's not what we should be doing. you're weak now and you need rest, and i'm plummeting you with stupid questions."

it seems to me i'm always weak, not only now.

"then what should we be doing?" i ask with curiosity.

why is he so cute when he's thoughtful?

"well, i should arrange so that you and jimin are put in the same room, and i should try to get some help from the police. but i guess what really needs to be done - is finding that son of a bitch and making him pay for everything he did."

he was a bad guy | vkookWhere stories live. Discover now