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i run in front of yoongi and minho, because i just can't wait to see tae's face again, i can't wait to warm his cold hand with my touch and calm him down with a reassuring smile. i know he's better now, but a reassuring smile never hurt anybody. and besides, seeing him smile is a blessing.

what did taehyung say about being dependant on me for everything? it feels rather like i'm addicted to him.

so i run down the corridor, smiling, the happiest i was in days, in weeks, in months.

the widely open door is the first sign of something wrong, but i don't take it seriously, thinking that yoongi left it that way when he left for me, and walk in. but then there's a bleeding jimin on the floor - the second, much more obvious sign, and a missing taehyung, of whom there is no sign. i stop dead in my tracks and take in this atmosphere of wrongness, my smile slowly fading, before rushing to jimin's side and sitting down next to him.

"jimin?" i say nervously. "what happened? where is taehyung?"

he opens his eyes and groans quietly. "you barely missed them," he whispers. i jump onto my feet.

them. i know exactly what he means.

"jimin?" i hear a worried voice behind me. i turn around to see yoongi enter the room, but i barely have time to blink - and there he is on the floor by jimin, holding a hand to his bloody wound and holding back tears. but i don't have time to think about why he's crying even though he's seen injuries a lot worse - i grab my father's arm before he can cross the threshold and pull him after me.

"what happened?" he asks. "where's taehyung?"

"they got him, but i think we'll catch up with them if we hurry," i explain. "we must catch up with them," i add in a determined tone, and he nods as we both start running back to the elevator.

the doors open before i can press the button and i see a man dressed in a white robe behind them. for some reason i say: "are you dr. kim?"

he frowns. "yes, who are you?"
"jimin's bleeding. you better go help," i say without answering his question, and literally push him out to get into the elevator myself. my dad presses the '1' button and we start our seemingly endless descent to the reception hall.

as soon as the doors slide open, i jump out of the elevator and look around. as my gaze reaches the front doors, i spot a strand of blonde hair and rush in that direction.

the street outside is quite crowded, but it's easy to notice the man carrying taehyung over his shoulder. it's not mr. smirk, because he's taller and has a slightly different hair color, but he seems to be following somebody through the crowd. i squint and manage to see the color of the other's jacket: it's the same dirty green that son of a bitch was wearing yesterday. coincidence? i don't think so.

great, there's two of them.

i quickly point a finger in that direction so that my father knows who we are chasing, and we start running again.

it's hard to make our way through the street. i push people away with my elbows, not caring about their angry retorts, and try to keep my eyes on the blonde-haired head and the green jacket. once i lose them in the crowd and start to panic, but when I finally catch a glimpse of them again... they're putting taehyung into a trunk of a black car.

"no!" i yell, making mr. smirk turn around. as he sees me, his smirk gets bigger. he waves at me cheerfully and gets into the vehicle.

cursing under my breath i begin to push people harder, but only end up being pushed back myself and falling. minho comes to my help, pulling me up, and i manage to take a last look at the car before it drives away.

he was a bad guy | vkookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz