3: No one was left

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**After 3 days**

Three days had passed since the day Valerie and Sam met the two boys, and within those days, Valerie eventually forgot and made no thought nor memory of Dodger and Charley. She told their gang leader Wyn McGregor and their other gang members about that day and they didn't like it as well.

The darkness of night is starting to seep in as the sun starts to set, forming an orange with purple colors in the infinite sky. Valerie was walking calmly back to their lair with a basket in her hands, she is the one who is assigned to fetch dinner for the gang to eat.

"I hope this satisfies 'em." Said Valerie as she stopped to check the contents of the basket: three loaves of bread, apples, and a piece of meat stolen fresh from the market. She resumed her walk after checking it, the ends of her gothic dress swaying while she walked.

When she was back at the slum, which is where their hideout is located, she is surprised to see that their neighbors and the other folks who live in that slum were panicking and holding buckets of water.

"Oi, what's 'appening?" Valerie asked a young boy who's holding two buckets of water. Everyone in that slum knew that Wyn McGregor's gang lived there, but no one turned them to the cops because Wyn and his pupils are their friends.

"A house was burnin' an' we're 'elping to stop it!" Answered the boy, "You go 'elp too!"

"Who's house?" Valerie asked, getting alarmed and curious.

"It's Wyn McGregor's house, the gang lea'er. Yer one of his thieves aren't you?"

The boy hasn't even finished talking and Valerie's eyes widened and ran at haste to their lair. She saw their lair burning, the haunting image reflecting in her eyes.

Her mouth opened, eyes wide, disbelief speaking to her, and she was left still in front of their burning lair.

She didn't know what to do, Valerie was frightened and shocked, she also heard screams from the inside. She didn't hesitate one more second, so she turned around and ran away from that chaotic place!

The fire was so big that it didn't even seem like an accident. Valerie knew somebody did that on purpose, but she wasn't really certain about it.

The Villainess ran to where her feet pleased; the market. She bumped a lot of people almost run into horses and carriages along the way, but she
gave no care. She stopped at the market, holds on a bakery wall for support, and wept in anger.

"No quedó nadie...todos morieron." Valerie said between her teeth as tears of anger fell from her very eyes. Wyn was dead, all the other gang members were dead, Sam was dead. Her whole gang died, she is the only one left and she had nowhere to go. She was filled with melancholy, grief, sadness, and deep anger. She clenched her fist as her fingers dug against the brick walls, she closed her eyes and tears fell from it, she was shaking as she wept bitterly. She was filled with anger for some reason, her unusual feeling of deep anger remained a mystery.

Some people at the market even took time and stopped to look at the black dressed girl who is weeping bitterly and angrily.

"She seemed to be grieving."

"That kid must be in deep sorrow..."

"Look at her, I've never seen such a melancholic kid in the middle of summer!" Some of the market customers and vendors whispered to each other when they saw Valerie.

It is true, Valerie IS a melancholic person, but never in her life she felt so miserable.

"Why yer crying?" Valerie heard a voice behind her. She opened her eyes and turned around to see who it was. There she saw two boys, one with a top hat and one with ginger hair...

"You again?!" Valerie was even more furious when she saw Dodger and Charley in the very front of her. She had no time for some conversation! She felt humiliation rise from her, her face was vandalized by tears of anger, dirt smudges, and her bangs that is scattered.

"W-why are you crying?" Dodger asked again, he and Charley felt bad for a reason that will remain anonymous for now.

"Go away..." Valerie said between her teeth as she looked down on the cobbled ground, not wanting to see any sight of Dodger and Charley.

"It's gettin' late miss, what makes ya so melancholic?" Asked Charley.

"Why do the both of you are so interested in me?! Ye don't even know ma real name, and...we're enemies." Said Valerie, avoiding to look at them, "Now go!"

Dodger and Charley looked at her with curious and solemn eyes. Do they know something?

"I know that yer gang leader and ma own gang leader are enemies for some unknown reason. Does my gang's death has something to do with the both o' you." Valerie looked up to them with a more miserable expression and more soft voice.

" Valerie looked up to them with a more miserable expression and more soft voice

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