Disclaimer: IMPORTANT

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As I stated in the synopsis, I do not own the Marvel Characters, (I just love them😊). Nonetheless, the story is mine and follows the plots in the previous movies, (including Infinity War).

Please keep in mind that when I wrote this, Endgame had NOT been released yet so whatever characters, plot twists, and endings for the characters that I gave to them in my story do not reflect those in Endgame (sadly 😭). In addition, when I started writing this—Captain Marvel was not in theaters either, so unfortunately her character will not be making an appearance.

Anyway, my story was created from my own original predictions based on the trailer and how I thought the movie would play out according to my own theories at the time. So if you have a problem with that, I'm really sorry to hear that but please don't be harsh. I know I took a huge leap, and I know that some of my theories were a bit far fetched (at the time) but hey, weren't everyone's theories about Endgame all over the place anyways?

Also, (THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT) in my story, Steve and Natasha have secretly been a couple since Infinity War. And I promise I'll create some key flashback moments between the two throughout Natasha's memories, so stick around for those.

Well, I think I've covered everything, as always thank you choosing to read my story and I hope you enjoy, Another Life, Another Time: A Romanogers Fanfic.


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