Why I refuse to Intro

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Because it makes me nervous and hesitant, and I'd rather not. I think I will occasionally drop hints, facts, tid-bits, art, fan art maybe, or draw whatever if asked, as long as appropriate. Cool? Cool.

Also, this will be for explaining a ton of reasoning behind a lot of character actions and things I just might personally do. So:

Warning: Content may contain violence, gore, sexual content (extremely limited), drama, suffering, pain, gay, romance, love, more gay, background, story telling, even more gay, perspective, gender, identity, orientation, opinion, very gay, preferences, brutality, torture, coming out, and extreme gay.

You've been warned, ta-ta.

You're welcome owly.

Also, shout out to these cinnamon rolls. The-Ashen-Fox AshleySinder Beautiful_Benji
Well- Ashley isn't really a cinnamon roll, but if she were, I think she'd just be- dripping– in icing—
you know what? Let's not.

owly's my tough leather, Ashen's my balloon, and Ashley's- quite the gal. Love them. Peace.

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