Chapter 1

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In the prosperous kingdom of Arendelle, the teenage princess Arianna was in her room sitting by the window, working on her studies.  

When just then, there was a knock heard on her door. 

"Come in" she said, looking up over at her door. 

The royal family's head servant Kai came in and up to Arianna. 

"A letter for you, my princess" he bowed, offering her the letter and then left. 

Arianna curiously looked at the letter before opening it up and began reading it. She soon screamed, sending her family into alarm as they came rushing into her room thinking their was trouble. 

"What! What's wrong?!" her father, Kristoff exclaimed in alarm. 

"Are we under attack by the Southern Isles?!" her mother, Anna thought they were being attacked by enemy forces. 

The goofy little snowman, Olaf then gasped. "There's no more Summer?!" 

Ari giggled, just smiling to her family. "No" she replied, revealing her scream to be a scream of joy as something wonderful had happened.  

"Well then what is it, sweetie?" Anna asked, coming over to her daughter's side along with Kristoff. 

Ari smiled showing her parents the letter, revealing it to be an acceptance letter into a new school. "I've been accepted into Auradon Prep!" 

The whole family ended up screaming in joy again. Except Olaf, who was confused. 

"What does 'accepted' mean?" the little snowman asked, being clueless as always.

The family laughed, before they heard a voice. 

"Ari, dear..."

Arianna's aunt, the benevolent ice queen of Arendelle, Elsa walked in.

"Aunt Elsa, did you here?" the red haired princess asked her aunt. "I'm going to Auradon Prep!"

"Yes I did," She smiled to her niece. "And we're all so incredibly proud of you"

"We sure are" Anna hugged her daughter, being excited for her. "Just think about it, all your friends will be there and you'll have so much fun and learn so much" even though she was a bit disappointed her daughter was leaving and couldn't home school her. But it was right of her to let Ari make her own decisions

"You'll do great, honey" Kristoff said to his daughter, placing his hand on her shoulder. 

"Thanks Mom, Dad, Aunt Elsa" Arianna smiled to her loving family, before she started packing. But then she remembered...

"Ooh! Can I invite some friends for the celebration?" she asked her family. 

"Sure," Anna replied, smiling. "The more the merrier"

"Who did you have in mind?" Elsa asked her niece curiously.


Meanwhile, back in our dimension (the main one), our favorite adventure kids were all hanging out together at the Harpercop siblings' house in their usual hang-out spot. 

"Forget it, David!" Cynthia seemed to be refusing to one of David's crazy ideas again. "I am not playing 'Truth or Dare' with you again"

Teeders sighed while watching Cynthia and David. "I wish my relationship life was like that" she sighed while thinking about her werewolf boyfriend, Kennith. 

Teeders then turned to notice her best friend seemed slightly distant. 

"You know, you could move on too" she mentioned to Kali, referring about her complicated relationship life. 

Kali looked to Teeders surprised, before refusing. "No, way! You know I'm committed to Mikey" the tomboy replied about her ninja turtle boyfriend, even though they've had their difficulties in the past. 

"Well, then..." Teeders started, trying to figure out what to talk about next as the gang had suddenly become quiet. "Where should we go for our next adventure?" she asked. 

"Well don't say Equestria" Brock told his friend. "We just got back from there"

Just then, a magic letter appeared in front of the gang, causing for them to all jump back in surprise. 

Kali had a look at the letter. "It's from Arendelle" she told the others. 

"I think we just found our next adventure" Teeders smirked over at Cynthia, who groaned. "Oh, no" 

"What do Anna and Elsa want from us this time?" David asked, eager to know. 

"It's actually from Anna's daughter, Ari" Kali replied while reading the letter. "It's saying she's inviting us to her celebration upon being accepted into Auradon Prep!" 

All the adventure kids then suddenly cheered, being super happy and excited as they knew what this meant for Arianna. 

"What's Auradon Prep again?" Ann asked the others, needing to refresh her memory. "Some kind of school?" 

"It's not just any school" Kali explained to her younger sister. "It's where all the Disney heroes' children are sent to attend"

"What about the villains?" Brock then asked. 

"They're all on the Isle of the Lost, remember?" David reminded. 

"Oh, yeah" the twins said, now remembering. 

"But wouldn't they just leave and cause trouble for everyone?" Ann questioned. 

"No, because Fairy Godmother conquered up a spell with a magic barrier to keep the villains there" Teeders reminded. 

"I'm sure glad we don't have to go there..." Cynthia mentioned, before whispering under her breath. "...Again"

"Lets go!" Kali told the gang. 

The adventure kids gathered around and held each other's hands before a shining bright light appeared above them. 

"Off to Arendelle!" Teeders cheered before they teleported off. Gone in a flash as they disappeared from the room. 

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