Tripp tried to convince Ivi, after the altercation the other day, that her being around him, under his watchful eye, was much better for the both of them. She would be safe and he wouldn't be worried.

Ivi loved that Tripp cared so much, but he didn't understand that Ivi just didn't like that type of environment. He only saw her saying no as a slap in a the face to him and their budding relationship.

If he only knew the whole truth...

Renna waved her hand, bringing Ivi back to the convo. "I'm not stalking your man's page girl..."

"Travis isn't my man." Ivi interjected.

"He ain't your best friend either. I'm bestie!" Renna said pointing to herself, making Ivi laugh at her seriousness.

"Anyway. I was getting ready to say that both of Tripp's favorites aren't at his house warming. That's messed up."

"His favorites?" Ivi quizzed.

"Yeah. You and Speedy T both aren't there."

Ivi checked her regurgitation. She put the back of her hand to her mouth, trying to keep the bile down. Thankfully Renna was looking at her phone and not her. "..h..he's not there?"

"No. He's somewhere out of town. He's got a pic up of them with a caption wishing him well, saying he's sorry he couldn't be there. But that he would come through when he got back to Florida."

Ivi vowed to be no where around when that happened. Like today. But he wasn't there so...


"What now?" Ivi said to Renna's moan, but she didn't reply. Not to her anyway.

"Oh really?!" Renna said jerking her neck at her phone.

Ivi was confused. "Girl what is wrong with you?" she asked again, looking at her friend's perplexed face.

Renna gave off a haughty, fake laugh. "So that's the game we playing? My girl don't come to your little party and you have another bitch on your dick?"

Ivi's heart beat picked up. "What are you taking about, Renna?"

Renna huffed before turning her phone around to show Ivi the video playing on the screen.

Ivi saw red looking at the screen. How dare he cradle another chick in his arms like that and then post it on his page for all the world to see...for Ivi to see...after he claimed that she was his one and only baby! But she didn't want to seem jealous. Travis wasn't her boyfriend. He could do anything he wanted, with anybody. They were just best friends...

Ivi scoffed. Who was she kidding? Certainly not herself and definitely not anybody else. She knew they were more than that. And with the not so subtle hints Tripp threw out there the day of her incident with Maya, it was obvious he wanted more. But were they ready for that? With all the things they had yet to discuss, were they ready to be in a full fledged relationship together?

Ivi could only say one thing, even if they weren't, the sight of seeing someone on Tripp was enough to make her at least want to claim  him as her own. But it would be kinda of rude and childish to just show up to Tripp's party because of something he posted, trying to stake her claim. Right?

Ivi stewed on the thought a minute.

After the imaginary time went by, she jumped up from Renna's love seat. "Fuck it! Let's g.."

Ivi couldn't even finish her statement before Renna was unzipping her costume, a sexy firefighter outfit, and stepping out of it to reveal a cute two piece, boy short bathing suit. She was at the front door before Ivi could blink. "Boo! I thought you'd never asked!"

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