"He uwu'd." Jeongguk gasps, never having really seen the personified version of an uwu. He said it much louder than he meant to, earning chuckles from Hoseok and Namjoon, even a smile from Yoongle. Seokjin, however, is looking at Jeongguk with a look that's different from amusement. Jeongguk knows that look—Seokjin has an idea.

"Hey, Jeongguk. Would you like to come clubbing with us tonight?" Seokjin asks, and Jeongguk's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He knows he's making the face that Seokjin trademarked as Jeongshook, but he can't help it.

"I could not possibly intrude, sir." Jeongguk says softly, looking down at the ground, feeling shy. He could think of a million reasons he shouldn't go to the club with them, but the expression on Seokjin's face makes it clear that he won't accept no for an answer.

"You wouldn't be, I promise. We're really fun. You could use a little fun in your life, Jeongguk." Seokjin says, walking over to Jeongguk and patting his shoulder encouragingly. His boss knows that Jeongguk's life is basically one repetitive cycle: wake up in the middle of the night, go to work, close the shop, go to the grocery store, go home, cook dinner, and read a book until he's tired. Deep down, Jeongguk knows Seokjin is right, but he's still scared. He's never been to a club, let alone hung out with people before—well, not recently, anyway. "Please?" Seokjin adds, and Jeongguk knows he'll end up going whether he likes it or not.

"All right, I shall go, I suppose." Jeongguk says softly, and Seokjin smiles, turning to his friends and soulmate and giving them a big thumbs up.

"We'll be there."



I apologize for interrupting you, but I have run into slightly pressing matters.

jeongguk!!! don't worry i'm on my dinner break

wow what kind of alternate universe is this

you texted me first, and with three exclamation points instead of one

this must be urgent


My boss invited me to go out with him and his companions tonight.

aw that sounds fun!

That is debatable.

oh dear


They are going to a club.

ooooo clubs are fun go get crunkkkkkkkk

I do not know what that means but I honestly do not want to know.

I have never been to a club before.






It doesn't matter.

I just need to know how to behave so I do not completely humiliate myself.

hold on hold on


why haven't you been? i feel like it matters more than you say it does

It is nothing.

no it's not, gukkie

you said it doesn't matter, not that it's nothing

you know you can talk to me right?

i care for you a lot, jeongguk

Haneul, please.

I do not have the time nor the patience to explain now, I need to concentrate on not losing my only friend and my potential friends.

Jeongguk feels guilty for snapping at her, but the one thing about Haneul that scares him a little is how curious she is. The answers to the questions that spark her curiosity the most are secrets he doesn't plan on airing anytime soon. He's not ready, he can't help it.

your only friend, huh?

okay. okay i'll give you some pointers.

drink a little but not too much, don't dance with any strangers or let anyone you don't know buy you drinks, stay near your friends and don't take any drugs anyone tries to hand you.

my break's over. bye jeongguk.

Jeongguk's heart clenches when he reads the final message. He fucked up, he knows he did. "Blast!" He curses under his breath, the anxiety of the night ahead of him and the conversation with Haneul gone wrong stressing him out beyond belief. Haneul doesn't deserve this. She's dealt with him for over a month, talked to him, made him laugh, helped him. And when the only thing she asks for in return is a bit of personal information, he can't make himself give it to her.

His phone lights up with a text from Seokjin.

Be there in 30.

Jeongguk sighs and stands up, walking to his closet. As bad as he feels, he doesn't have time for this right now.

ooop jeongukkieee whatchu doin boy

anyways have a lovely dayyy

edited 05/08/20

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