One Shot Number 6

Start from the beginning

"Hold on a fucking second. You're not letting me go out there because sales would drop. Gee, Kat, if sales mean that much to you maybe you should just go out and marry someone with a bunch of money so you'll never have to worry about fucking sales ever again."

"Come on, Ei, you don't mean tha-"

"I don't wanna hear another fucking word from you, Bakugou."

Okay, Katsuki had to admit, that stung. Like, a lot. But he could deal with that. As long as he cleared this up with Eijiro everything would be fine. "Ei-" Dial tone. "Dammit." Katsuki slammed his head against the steering wheel and honked the horn for a solid 30 seconds.

Katsuki dialed his phone and waited for her to pick up. It took 4 rings.

"Hey, Baku-"

"I can't come in today."

"I literally just heard you honking your horn in the parking lot?"

"Long story. 'Bout Ei. Gotta go."

"Yeah, no problem, not like you need to finish recording or anything."

"Kyoka, I'm serious. I need to go find him. Can I get a day off or not?"

"Course, Katsuki. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Thank you, Kyoka. Seriously."

"Yeah, yeah. I know you love me. Now go get your man."

Bakugou hung up the phone and began the 15-minute drive back to his house. He just hoped Eijiro was still there when he got back.

Meanwhile, at the Bakugou residence, Eijiro was packing a week's worth of clothes and toiletries into a suitcase. Kaminari and Sero had agreed to let him stay the week until he could figure out what he was going to do.

Back outside, in the 15 minutes it had taken Eijiro to pack his bag nearly full, Katsuki had driven home. Now, Katsuki had always had a fairly terrible relationship with the press and he couldn't be bothered right now to act properly, so when a reporter came up to him practically shoving a microphone and camera in his face asking question after question he just told her to fuck off and stormed inside his house. "EIJIRO I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU LEFT WITHOUT LETTING ME EXPLAIN MYSELF I'LL KILL YOU." It was an empty threat and they both knew it, so Eijiro kept quiet except for a few sniffles. "Ei." Katsuki walked into their bedroom to see a suitcase on their bed nearly filled with everything Eijiro'd need to survive on his own for a week.

"What do you want, Bakugou?" Eijiro asked, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Don't give me that 'Bakugou' bullshit right now Ei. You're a Bakugou too."

"Doesn't seem like you want me to be one anymore. I mean, it's not like I can fucking tell anyone that I'm married to the greatest person on the whole fucking planet."

"You're not. Ei. You're not married to the greatest person on the planet."

"Oh, so now we're not married then? Gee, I feel so much better."

"No, Ei, that's not what I said. You're not married to the greatest person on the planet because you are the greatest person on the whole fucking planet. I was an asshole, always have been. But you've made me better. But then I went and said that shit and I know I shouldn't have, Ei, but I was scared. Scared of how people would react to you, if people would like you, because I know how fucking hard it can be to deal with the public and the reporters and the paparazzi and everything else. It's fucking hell to deal with and I never wanted to have you go through that because I care about you too much. So, what I said earlier was a lie. A total lie." Katsuki rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually, Jiro thought it would boost sales."

Eijiro slapped Katsuki in the face.

"What was that for?" Katsuki looked at him and brought a hand to his cheek, covering the no-doubt bright red handprint now on his face.

"That was for lying to me." Eijiro slapped his other cheek just as hard as he had slapped the first. "And that was for putting yourself down." Then he kissed him. It tasted a bit like tears and it was a little sloppy and Katsuki's cheeks still hurt but it was perfect. Because it meant that he got Eijiro back. That Eijiro wouldn't leave. That Eijiro was his again. "Don't do that again because I'm not sure I could take it."

Katsuki wrapped his arms around his husband's waist and hugged him. "Promise." They kissed again, but this one somehow tasted sweeter, like sunshine and lemons and something distinctly Eijiro that Katsuki could never place. But he wouldn't miss it for the world.

And if Katsuki wore his wedding ring out in public from then on, well, nobody was complaining. Except maybe a couple of fangirls.

 Word count (minus A/N and this): 1473

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