Authors Note

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Hi there :)

It's understandable if you want to skip this part so you can see if this story is any good.

Ngl it probably won't be ..this is my first ever story.

I just wanted to type a little bit about my self, mainly because before I read a new story, I like to know a little about the author. It's just so I can work out what type of writer they are and if they are passionate or not , passion is what makes a good story ..well that and the ability to read and write maybe. And so I can guess if they are big headed and too confident due to there amount of readers ;) but I shouldn't judge !!


I'm a big fan of books , I have been for a long time. My favorite genre would have to be romance not the typical romance where a handsome boy falls for the beautiful girl. I like ones that are so on point with reality. For example , ones where the girl isn't made out to be quiet , polite and shy. Or the typical school beauty that all the boys fancy. But ones where she is a total nut case around her friends and her personality is better then her looks. Now don't get me wrong , it's interesting when the female character is shy , because it can create curiosity for how she will turn out as the story progresses ;) but hey we all have a particular preference and different opinions. In fact I'm shy in front of new people , but put me in a room with my best friend and I'm a total nut job !
Favourite book is Me Before You !! An absolute classic , I read the book before watching the film. Which can I just say , missed out tons from the book.

I also love and adore art , whether it's painting or sketching. Ever since I was in primary school I've loved art , you would always see me..that one strange little child who instead of being out in the playground at break ..would have her face stuffed in a book or her hands covered in paint along with the odd bit of glitter in her hair :)

Bts are my favourite group ..ever.
Bias ?
Jungkookie !!
Wrecker ?
The man , the myth , the legend !! TAE !

Why would you make your first story about Hobi if you don't bias him ?

Erm it's Hobi ..
Just because he isn't my bias doesn't mean he isn't a great protagonist!! (Ooo check me out with my fancy vocab).

Speaking of vocab.
I actually failed my English language exam.
Yes ..
I am a re-sitter.


But hey I can read and write and luckily my phone has auto correct ;)

how ever you wILL sTill fiNd soMe SPelliNG ErRors ..

I love animals.
Got 3 of them.
Yup .
3 animals just roaming about my house.
Ok well not roaming.
Ones in a cage and the other two I just let them walk out onto the streets ..

And that everyone is how to sound like a horrible pet owner.


No I have a guinea pig (hence the cage)and he is my little treasure !

Two cats , a boy and a girl. They are the best , however they hate each other .  Ok the girl just hates the boy and bullies him but hey that's how it is in real life anyway ;) Kidding!!!
Bullying can happen to any gender ok ..don't hate me.

Why am I not mentioning their names ?

Duh because they have private lives and don't want to be exposed . Gosh what do you take me for , I actually respect my pets private lives !! Shocking !

Yeaaahhh I'm very irritating and I think I'm funny when I'm really not ..I understand if you stopped reading a loooooomg time ago ._.

I swear I'm a good person.
I'm just crazily weird ;)

Anyway ..hope you enjoy the story . If anyone is even here to read this ..:)
Also I've started another story as well based on Jungkook :) It's called My Second Love. I assure you it has less spelling mistakes and longer chapters

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