Breakfast bar :(

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"Urghhhh shut uuup" you cry as you reach for your phone .

"6:00am why is school so stupid for making us come in early on a Thursday!"

You slide out of bed , your feet hit the cold floor "shit shit slippers where are you " you spot them and literally jump into them .

"Fewwwww Thankyou blobfish slippers for saving my feet from frostbite " you say staring down at your favourite Christmas present from last year.

You drag your body into your bathroom , you can barely see your self in the mirror due to your sleepy puffy eyes .

Your hair is all tangled and your face is puffy . "Ugly as always Y/N, but hey"you say pointing the finger guns at your reflection whilst winking , you laugh at your silliness .. "wow I really am sad" .

You brush your teeth  viciously and  wash your face , no time for a shower .

You make your way towards your wardrobe , pulling out your uniform . A black pleated skirt and white blouse , your skirt just covers your knees which is the height it should be , however all the other girls end up rolling theirs up . "Slags" you say out loud .

Once dressed you brush out your hair and tie it back in a simple low pony , your hair is a nice length , a few inches below your collar bone and dark brown with a  red ombré .

School didn't like it but you didn't give a fuck , you didn't want to look like all the other girls at school , fake light brown extensions or extra large curls to look like a massive bush .

They bullied you for your simple look but you just ignored them . Yes you never thought you were pretty , but you liked your style . 

Finally ready you head downstairs , your mum and dad were away on a business trip and wouldn't be back for another month .

Their jobs always required them to be away . You were all close of course , but recently you felt distanced. You felt like they were never around enough anymore to even hear about the problems you have at school.

How you couldn't seem to go by a single day without one of the girls insulting you..

No time for breakfast you grab a breakfast bar along with your bag . "Adios house " You head out the door and make your way to school .


You arrive 10 minutes before your class starts , you always did normally .

You make your way to your locker to grab your chemistry books whilst holding your snack bar in your mouth .

"PLEASE OPPA I MISS YOU" , you heard a voice cry causing you to turn your head .

It was a girl and she had her arms around a guys shoulders , she was back hugging him .

He seemed quite pissed off . "Fuck off already , I told you , you got one night with me and then that was it . I don't do girls like you twice babe" he grabbed her arms and yanked them off of him .

"But tell your friends I'm still up for them " he said with a smirk before walking away .

Leaving the girl just standing there in the corridor , usually you would have sympathized for the girl ..but she wasn't just any girl , Sana .

The most popular girl in school , she was also the fakest , nastiest and cruelest by far . Her popularity was mainly due to her regular shagging spree with nearly every guy at school .
She was one of the girls who would bully you , along with her "minions " as you called them .

There main insult would be to do with that fact that you are fact ..still ..a virgin.

Were you embarrassed, sure sometimes. But you always had this dream .

Having your first time with someone you truly loved and wanted to feel loved by in that moment in time . Someone who you would lock eyes with and all time with stop for a moment .

Your mind was blank and you didn't realise you were now staring at Sana.

She caught you staring at her and gave you a dirty snare before flipping her hair and storming off . "What a bitch " you laughed shaking your head

"I know righ-"
"SHIT"you jumped and dropped your book and half eaten breakfast bar.

You pathetically felt your heart sink seeing what was left of your breakfast hit the ground along with your book.

You immediately drop to the ground and pick up your book and what's left of your breakfast bar .

So much for satisfying your hunger... "I'm sorry" said a voice , you looked up and it was the guy from before .

"Didn't think you would jump like that" he held his hand out for you to grab , you hesitated at first staring at the guys hand, you held onto him and he pulled you up with quite a strong force .

"It's fine " you replied a little shyly.

"Let me buy you another one ?"

"Huh ?" You spoke .

"Well I'm guessing you wanted to finish that ..breakfast bar " he said with a smile of amusement looking down at the bar "Oh no it's fine "

"you sure ?"

He asked with a concerned look . You nodded and smiled , he simply nodded before walking away backwards . "See you around ..erm?"

"Oh it's Y/-."
The bell rang cutting you off . The boy disappeared into the crowed of students that flooded the corridor.

That guy ..
He seems nice ..well nicer then before with Sana.


You sat down in your chair getting out your pencil case . You sat at a desk on your own like always.

You were top sets for most of your subjects . Your best friend and only friend  Lisa was in most of the bottom sets , she mainly focused on dance rather then her studies .

Sometimes you considered the idea of joining her dance class , you did enjoy dancing but never thought you were anywhere near good enough ..typical you always underestimating your self .

Plus you always focused too much on your studies .

Meaning you were always alone in lessons, you didn't mind it much . In fact it helped you concentrate . Your teacher miss Winn entered the classroom ready to start your chemistry lesson .

Chemistry was your best subject along with maths and English .

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