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Taehyung isn't too sure why it is that he agreed to going on a date with this Jeonghwa girl but that's exactly what he did. Words inaugurated a systematic hurricane within his mind, telling him that he was only doing this for research; he's only doing this to be like other teens his age. Taehyung's always despised the fact he was born teetering along the edge of abnormality and had fascinated himself with the human species, studying their actions and hoping to replicate them. But, such a task is actually rather difficult. However, dating a pretty girl is probably an easy start.

"I don't understand why you told Jeongguk," he informs his friend as they sit at a lone table in the Park family pub. Though, truthfully, he had a good idea of why Jimin had: Jimin's a meddler, though he's bursting at the seams with good intent, he's often a little too obvious about his meddling into Taehyung's life.

Jimin, having stopped procrastinating by balancing his pencil between his nose and pouted lips, slowly trails his eyes across to the younger boy, smiling guiltily, "uh, well, I stand by what I said the other day."

"What did you say the other day?"

"That you shan't find true happiness 'till you affiliate yourself with a love interest — but, I said it in a less Shakespearean manner; guess that tutoring really is paying off, huh?"

"I wouldn't say it was all that Shakespearian."

"Puh-lease, Willy is turning in his grave."

"I feel disrespected by the fact you referred to one of the greatest play-writes of all time as Willy."

"Oh my god!" Jimin laughs, leaning back in his chair, his obnoxious action earning a glare from a multitude of customers, not that he cared, "was that an actual joke you just said? Did Kim Taehyung just having joking banter with me?"

"Who said I was joking?" Taehyung frowns, perplexed at the ravenet's sudden outburst, "anyway, we're losing the point; why are you so desperate for me to get a girlfriend?"

"You may be an oddball, Tae, but all teenage boys have.. like, urges, ya know?" Jimin's never particularly awkward about this sort of topic, but the innocent glint in the other's eyes changes that instantaneously, "I'm bein' a good friend, getting my boy some."

"Some? Some of what?" The brunet echoes, blinking in slight confusion as he tries to comprehend just what his friend means by this.

"Sex, Taehyung, some means sex.. or at least some form of action? Like, kissing.. touching?"

"You sound unsure yourself. Didn't I say you shouldn't use words you can't define?"

The elder shakes his head in slight disbelief, a glum smile attacking his features, "don't mock me, bastard, you should be thanking me! I mean, you're still a virgin, despite looking the way you do, all because you're too awkward to get yourself out there."

"Why do you assume I'm a virgin?"

Jimin cocks his brow, smirking, "you're not?" The younger blushes and looks down, feeling embarrassed, although he knew it was perfectly normal for a sixteen year old to still be a virgin, "exactly! So, I'm doing you a favour, ain't I?"

"Not really.. I don't want to have sex with Park Jeonghwa." Taehyung responds miserably, Jimin's words suddenly making him feel like the girl would be expecting that from him. I mean, the boy had never been on a date so, therefore, what happened on them was still an enigma to him.

"You don't have to, not on the first date, at least, like, just get to know her first." The black-haired basketball player examines the younger, trying to descry his emotions at a mere glance, "unless, there's someone else you like?"

At this suggestion, Taehyung's head shoots up accompanied by the vigorous shake of his head, "most definitely not."


"You're so gay, hyung, it's just a bit of water." Hoseok laughs, his eyes a slightly less vibrant shade of crimson, his smile seemingly composed of genuine humanity rather than marijuana.

Currently, the boy, clad in sweats, despite the strict dress-code, is sat in one of the school's bathroom sinks, splashing water into his exhaust-fuelled hyung's face. Min Yoongi is hissing at him like a demented kitten, his normally aggressive demeanour embellished by the current low he was enduring. Getting high in a graveyard on a Monday night is never something he'd recommend, yet he still did it because Monday's are therapy days.

"It's not the water that's pissing me off, it's your fucking yellow sweatpants, they're brighter than the bloody sun." The elder snarls in response, wiping away some droplets from his face with his hoodie sleeve (also not conforming with the uniform blazer), "since when do you even come to school anyway?"

"Could ask you the same thing — and since when do you attend your detentions, also?"

"Huh? Some bitch of a teacher caught me skipping and personally escorted me there." Yoongi grumbles, glaring at his tired reflection in the mirror, stretching the skin of his face with his fingers in a slightly disturbed manner, staring at the red parts of his eye sockets as he stretches them out enough.

"Uh-huh," Hoseok then licks his bottom lip, a habit of his that he submitted to whenever in thought - which wasn't very often, let's be honest, "you know, some girl said she saw you laughing with that Taehyung boy in detention. Got me thinkin', I don't think I've ever seen you laugh."

"I think that says something more about you than it does me." The slightly dim, slightly high boy is confused at the other's words, his eyes flickering with clear incomprehension, making Yoongi sigh, reiterating his point, "you've never seen me laugh because whenever you're around, I don't laugh."

"But you laugh with this Kim Taehyung kid?" Hoseok comments cockily, his response surprisingly quick, catching the glum elder off-guard.

"Hah? Fuck off, it was more laughing at him." Yoongi responds, anger clear in his tone, making Hoseok simper.

"Yeah, sure. Admit it, Yoongi, you're all soft for the soft boi himself."

"That's Yoongi hyung to you, peasant, besides, you're just spouting bullshit, I could never go 'soft', as you like to put it. Especially for some socially awkward, ADHD infused kid with big doe-eyes."

"Aw, big doe-eyes, huh? Sounds like your type, hyung."

"Go fuck yourself, don't act like you know shito."

With that, the elder snatches his skateboard and hastily makes his way to the door, blood boiling at Hoseok yelling after him, "denial is the first stage of catching feelings!"

Catching feelings, my ass.

AO3 yoongi is coming throughhhhh

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