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By the time Taehyung leaves Jimin's house it's nearing ten o'clock and the sky is riddled with darkness, milky galaxies of stars fabricating a stimulation of ataraxy, forcing floods of calm to fill Taehyung, despite the inevitable feeling of somebody watching him. Having rejected Mrs Park's offer for a ride home, Taehyung is now forced to make his own way back, his body limp and writhing with exhaustion from the intense tutoring session with Jimin he'd just endured. Park Jimin is far from an idiot, but he has very little interest in actual learning, so it's extremely difficult a task to try and teach the kid.

Taehyung attempts to whistle in order to coax away any imposing worries for his wellbeing, but such a custom has never really helped him all that much. In fact, the brunet actually found it made the bitter descent of night a vast amount more terrifying.

Instead, he focuses on his heartbeat, using it as a mechanism to prove he's still very much alive and nothing has attacked him, yet. Taehyung often considers his thoughts to be the bringers of reality, as every time he thinks negatively, the very same happens in real life. Just as all these thoughts of somebody chasing him, does soon manifest itself into reality.

Behind him, Taehyung feels eyes burning into his neck, consuming his skin, forcing that calming heartbeat to betray him, finding it's way into the lower pits of his stomach. As inconspicuously as possible, he attempts to walk faster, setting his pace at a mild jog, before feeling the other person doing the very same. He moves impossibly fast, trying to get away from whoever was clearly following him.

This is just like a movie. If I keep running, they'll end up being faster, they'll follow me to my house. Perhaps the best option would be to face them? Or perhaps it'd be best to just run down a secluded alley way? No, that'd be the worst option.

As Taehyung's thoughts spiral out of control, he feels his breathing increase, soon he's gasping for air, his body shaking uncontrollably. The darkness infests his eye sockets, everything clouding over with nothingness. He feels empty yet full, the world clamping down upon his shoulders, making him choke even more, practically rasping for air. He can't run any longer, his knees trembling, the darkness in his eyes mutating into salty pools of tears, sliding like spilt ink down his smooth skin.

The figure stops running also, saying familiar things in a familiar voice, a cold, bony hand resting upon Taehyung's back. He doesn't try to move, just shrinks to the floor, the person moving with him, rubbing circles into his shivering back.

It takes what feels like hours, but must have only been around fifteen minutes, before Taehyung's breathing melts back into a steady pace, his body no longer shaking quite so much. It's in this moment that he realises how close he is to another's cold body and realises how strangely comfortable he is with it. Slowly, he moves away, moving his watery eyes toward the person he assumed to be a stranger, "Yoongi?"

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