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My mom did not have to drag me out of bed today. I was up three whole minutes early!

I skipped all the way to school.

I couln't WAIT!

I have NEVER been so excited to come to school. I waited in the parking lot for a bit. Matt's car wasn't there yet so he must not have come yet.

I waited for around ten minutes when his car pulled up. About time I would say!

He got out of the car and was heading my way.

I coulnd't suppress the grin.

"Hi!" I chirped when he reached me, waving like a maniac.

And what does he do? He looks STRAIGHT through me and walked off.


Dick! He probably changed his mind. I mean Obviously changed his mind.

Ass! I thought he was different.  Guess not. Well thank you Matt. You ruined my entire day!

But since he TOLD me that he'd talk to me today I was determined to get him to. To become unavoidable.

I sat RIGHT in front of him in Math. He still pretended like he didn't know me.

Why was he doing this?! I thought we were becoming friends.

I hate him. Stupid butt. Annoying Creature!

Bloody meanie. I sat in front of him and sulked. I waited for him outside class but he walked right by me.

He didn't even look at me.

I tried to ignore him during Lunch but I kept staring at him.

He didn't even look my way. Not even once. I have had it. If he want's to ignore me that's fine. I'll ignore him too.

I decided I was not hungry anyway and headed to the library.

Being surrounded by books had a soothing effect on me.

The library was deserted as usual. I sat at a table on the second floor of the library next to the railing. That way I could see who came in.

So I could see if HE came in. But I highly doubted it.  I pulled out a book and started reading.

It was quite bad. It was too long and the story line was crap.

Lunch period was over.

The rest of the day was a drab. Except art.

We had a paint fight! And guess WHO started it?


He is definitely craaaazy!

I reached work black and blue... and green and yellow and purple and a whole lot of other colours.

Our paint fight was with oil paint as that was the main medium that we use and it does not come of your skin unless you use turpentine. Or you could also scrub REALLY REALLY REALLY hard but hardly any of the paint had come off.

Thankfully I wear my 'painting' shirt during art. Oil paint does not come of your clothes and it is a rather messy form of painting so spare clothes is a must.

"What happened to you?" Henry asked.

"Paint fight. Crazy fun."

"I would imagine. How was the rest of your day?"

"Shitty. Matt. This guy from school. He was at the dance yesterday. He even danced with me and he was going to kiss me. Well that was all before he found out who I was. He walked away then but he came to my house later in the evening to give me my mask back and he stayed for a bit and we talked and it was fun and he told me he'd see me today. Today when I said Hi to him he looked right through me and he's been ignoring me ALL day and I'm fed up so he can go to hell!"

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