I am doomed...



The moment Mrs. Park hung up the phone, she immediately drove over to Jimin's house. She entered the house and started searching for him. "Jimin!" She called. "Jimin, where are you!?" This time she yelled. She wasn't thinking properly and all she wanted was to throw Y/n out of Jimin's life.

"Mom? What happened?" Jimin ran towards her mom, panicked. "Is there any problem? Are you okay? Is Dad okay? Should I call him and ask? Just gimme a minute, I will bring my phone back from upstairs." He didn't even realise what kind of senseless things he was saying. He said all this in one breath and instantly started walking towards the stairs when her mom held his hand to stop him. He turned around to face her.

"Jimin... I am so sorry." Her eyes were glossy, probably because of the salty water which started forming in her eyes due to guilt. "I am so sorry, Jimin-ah... I ruined your life..."

"What are you saying mom?" Jimin walked towards his mom and pulled her into his embrace. "And don't be sorry, mom. I know you will never do anything which will harm me."

Finally, the tears which Mrs. Park was trying to hold back, fell one after the other. "Y-Y/n-" her voice cracked.

Jimin instantly backed off to look at his mother at the mention of his wife. "What happened to Y/n!? Is she alright!? Is she hurt!?" Panic and fear was clearly evident in his voice.

Mrs. Park didn't like how his son was worried for her. With a blank expression she said, "Jimin, leave her."

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Jimin... She is not worth your love... I-I thought that she was a nice girl bu-but I was wrong..."

"What are you saying, mom? She IS a nice girl..." He couldn't believe what his mother was saying.

"No Jimin, she is not!" She yelled. "Do you even know where she is living right now!?" Her eyes showed how much disgusted she felt while telling that to Jimin. "She is living with some other guy!"

She expected an expression of shock, hurt and rage from Jimin but instead of any of these, when she saw that Jimin was unfazed by this 'new' information. She got confused. "Jimin?" She started. "Aren't you shocked?"

"No mom." Was all he replied before walking towards his room.

"But Jimin, Y/n, your wife, is living with some other guy!" Instead of Jimin, she was the one who was shocked.

"I know." He replied.

"You knew that and still you didn't do anything!?"

"Mom." He stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at his mom. "I was the one who made a mistake. What she did was a normal step that any woman would take after what I did..." Mrs. Park could clearly see how hurt her son was.

"And... What did you do...?"

"I hurt her." He could feel tears dwelling up in his eyes. "Few nights before..." He gulped before continuing. "I returned back home in drunk state and did what I definitely shouldn't have... I-I.." he choked. He couldn't continue his sentence and just shook his head. "I made a terrible mistake, mom..." He whispered but it was still enough for Mrs. Park to hear him.

She couldn't absorb the new information she received. All this time she thought that Y/n was the one who was guilty but... Jimin was the one who was at fault.

She kept one of her hands on her forehead and started pacing back and forth. "I was wrong... So wrong... It wasn't Y/n's mistake but you-yours." Tears started falling down her face like a waterfall. "That child... Has done nothing but still I-" she paused the moment when something struck her mind. "Y/n!" She shouted.

Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now