Meeting His Twin (e)

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Saying that Ethan was nervous for you to meet Grayson was an understatement. He's always felt overshadowed by his younger brother, and he was hoping that you wouldn't realize that you chose the wrong twin. When you asked him to meet his twin, he wasn't nervous. But as the time grew closer, he began to panic. "Grayson, please, just don't flirt with her." He practically begged. Grayson scoffed, feeling offended.

"You really think that I would flirt with my older brother's girlfriend?" Grayson retorted, standing up and going into the kitchen to get a drink. Ethan sighed, running a hand through his unruly hair, tugging lightly at the ends with frustration.

"Gray, I know that you wouldn't flirt with her on purpose. But, girls have always liked you more than me. What if she changes her mind?" Ethan said quietly, leaning against the counter as Grayson pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge. He didn't respond at first, instead he cracked open the water and took a drink, contemplating what his brother said.

"You really think that?" Grayson finally responded, leaning against the counter beside his brother. Ethan nodded, not looking at his twin. "E, she's not going to leave you for me. She's perfect for you. Besides, even if she tried to do that, do you really think that I would do that to you?"

Ethan was quiet for a minute before he sighed, shaking his head. "That's true, you're too good of a brother to do that. I just really like (y/n.)"

The doorbell rang, causing the two brothers to jump, exchanging a similar glance before Grayson shoved Ethan's shoulder. "Go answer the door, she's going to think we're up to something!" Ethan ran his fingers through his hair, trying to look presentable for his woman. He always wanted to impress you. He opened the door and smiled at you. "(Y/n!)" He exclaimed, wrapping you up tightly in a hug. You squeaked as he picked you up off the ground, swinging you around in the air.

"Easy there, E." You heard an unfamiliar voice say, making you peek over Ethan's shoulder. Ethan buried his face in your neck for a moment before putting you back on the ground.

"(Y/n,) this is my twin brother, Grayson." Ethan introduced you, and you held out a hand, which he shook with a smile.

"It's nice to finally meet you." You said, and Ethan rubbed his hand slowly up and down your back, distracting you slightly.

"Same here, Ethan talks about you literally all day long." Grayson laughed, making Ethan swing out and smack the back of his head. "Ouch dude, what did I say?!" He exclaimed, rubbing the injured spot gently, making you laugh loudly at their antics. You went to sit down on the couch, but Ethan grasped you by the hips and made you sit on his lap, while Grayson sat on the other end of the couch. While you and Gray made small talk and got to know each other better, Ethan kept his hands on you the entire time. On your hips, your back, rubbing your arms or shoulders, and playing with your fingers. You loved the attention, but it was distracting.

"Hey Ethan, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." You said, standing up and smiling down at him. Before he could respond, you walked off, not looking at either of them. You had been to their house a few times before, just when Grayson wasn't home, so you knew where the bathroom was. You sat in there for a few minutes, just enjoying the peace and quiet before deciding to go back out there. You flushed and washed your hands, so you didn't seem suspicious, and slowly opened the bathroom door. Ethan's voice was audible from down the hall, and you couldn't help but overhear. "Do you think you can give us some alone time? I think you've spent enough time with her." There was something strange in his voice that you couldn't really pick up on.

"E, don't be like that, man. I like spending time with both of you. And you can tell that she really likes you, so you don't need to worry about her falling for me. She's all about you." Grayson said, his voice quieter than Ethan's. You were standing around the corner, listening but trying to avoid being seen. Grayson walked around the corner suddenly, making you squeal and jump. He placed his hands on your arms, trying to steady you. "Woah, are you okay?" He asked, and you placed your hand on your chest.

"You scared me!" You exclaimed, and Ethan came around the corner too, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of Grayson's hands on you.

"Seriously, Gray?" He said, throwing his hands up in exasperation. Grayson tried to defend himself and explain, but Ethan Dolan was stubborn as could be. You grew tired of the bickering and quickly put an end to it.

"Ethan, we need to talk." You said, and you internally grimaced when you realized how you sounded. Ethan's wide eyed, innocent reaction was enough to break your heart, and you mentally beat yourself up over it. "Not about that, don't freak out." You reassured him, taking his arm and leading him to the couch. "Are you worried that I'm going to leave you for Gray?" You asked, and he fiddled with his fingers.

"Everyone has always liked Grayson more than they liked me, and I was scared that you would feel the same way." He admitted, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. You gently removed his hands from his face and looked into his eyes.

"Ethan, I like you. Grayson is a great guy, but he's not you. Besides, Gray would never do that to you." You told him, running your hand through the loose curls at the back of his neck.

"That's exactly what he told me." Ethan said, laughing slightly. You knew that you and Grayson would be best friends, but nothing more. Ethan was the guy for you.

"What can I say? Great minds think alike."

(A/N: So, I've never written imagines before, so hopefully they aren't too horrible! I was trying to keep them in order and form a story line with the imagines, but I think that they're more fun when they are random! If anyone has any ideas for an imagine that they would like to see, comment and let me know, I'm trying to make a list! Favorite if you like it and want to see more! Thanks! Xoxo)

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