How You Met (e & g)

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You were at the grocery store, looking for the items that your mother sent you to pick up. Your eyes scanned each shelf as you walked down the aisle, becoming frustrated with yourself for not being able to find everything. As you stepped out of the aisle and out into the open, a grocery cart came flying past you with a person sitting in it and another running after it. You took a step back, startled, as it almost knocked you over. The grocery cart crashed into the end of another aisle, knocking down boxes of cereal. You hesitated, not sure if you should approach them, but decided to go help. As you bent down to grab the cereal, one of the assailants spoke. "Hey, you don't have to help. It was my brother's fault, anyway." You looked up and locked eyes with an incredibly handsome man. His thick hair was messy atop his head, and it was so dark that it almost looked black. He gave you a grin, making you smile nervously back at him. He held out a large hand for you to shake, and when you obliged, his hand engulfed yours in warmth. "I'm Ethan." You looked up at him through your lashes, a warm blush spreading over your cheeks. "I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you."


The Starbucks line was long, but you didn't mind waiting. You placed your order and sat in the corner at an empty table as you waited for your drink. The little coffee shop was full of noise, and the patrons could barely hear their names being called as their drinks were filled. "(Y/n!)" The barista yelled out, and you smiled at her as you took the drink from her hand. You dropped a few dollar bills in the tip jar, and she gave you a grateful look. As you turned around to walk out, someone bumped into you, spilling coffee all over your shirt. You gasped as the hot liquid spread out over the fabric and seeping onto your flesh. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" The voice exclaimed, sounding panicked. You looked up and made eye contact with them as you pulled the wet shirt away from your body. "It's okay. No use crying over spilt coffee." You said, giving them a weak smile. The handsome guy in front of you gave a grin, and you couldn't help but notice how straight and blindingly white his teeth were. His hair was perfectly styled and pushed back out of his face. "I really am sorry, I was just in a rush. My name is Grayson." He had grabbed a few napkins off the counter and handed them to you. "I'm (Y/n)." You told him, blotting at your ruined shirt with the napkins. "I know this might be awkward, considering I just met you, but can I have your number? I'd like to take you out to make up for this?" He asked, shyly handing you his phone. You smiled and took it, typing in your number. "I'll text you tonight." He told you, trowing away his now-empty coffee cup and walking out, giving you a glance over his shoulder.

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