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"Shit shit shit shit shit"

Jungkook cursed internally, the voices and laughters of members from the living room rang in his ears again. He had to unwillingly pull his fingers out of his hole, and removing his other hand from his hard cock, which was desperate to cum. He panicked, immediately regretted the early behaviour of tossing his boxers with his feet to somewhere on the floor. Pressing himself against the bed, he got up, and cleaned his precum covered hands with the bedsheet of Taehyung. He quickly picked up his pajama from the bed, and used it to cover his naked body, as he didn't even have time to put them on properly. Jungkook crotched down on the floor, eyes darted everywhere dying to find his pair of boxers, which somehow ended up under his bed. He crawled under the bed, stretched out his arms to get the boxers. The current posture he was in was quite funny to see, or rather ... sexy.
Naked, with the pajama over his shoulders, covering half of his body, knees and chest on the floor, and back arched.

When he grabbed the boxers underneath the bed, he cheered in his heart and got up quickly, wishing to have enough time to put on his clothes before his hyung came to avoid any misunderstandings between them.

But his wish did not come true.

The bedroom door was opened, all the time, as Jungkook had to listen to Taehyung's moans a while ago. And Jungkook was stupid enough to forget to close it when the sound of water stopped. And this allowed Taehyung to came into the room silently, without making a noise, in which he saw the younger crawling unit he bed, ass up in the air.

When Jungkook stood up, it took him no time to realised the situation as he saw Taehyung at the door. His heart jumped out of his chest as he let out a high pitched scream.

Jungkook had never felt so exposed and naked, as his hyung was looking at him with eyes widened with horror, before they travelled down to observe his body. How he wished the floor to open up and swallow himself. Taehyung, on the other hand, tried his best to respect the younger by avoiding eye contact, but in vain, as a panicking and naked Jungkook in front of him just looked so cute, so vulnerable, so pure, yet so edible and sinful. The raven haired gulped when he realised the only piece of clothing on the blond was a towel wrapped around his waist, exactly liked how he imagined the older to be after showering, when he was jerking off earlier. Conversely, Taehyung raised his brows when he registered The awkward standing posture of Jungkook. As the younger rolled his pajama into a ball and held it front of his crotch area, nervously, anyone could definitely tell that he was trying to hide his bulge.

Taehyung smirked, came a step forward into the room, while Jungkook stood a step back. The older looked at the panicking boy again, but this time his eyes darkened. The latter could feel his piercing gaze was burning holes on his skin. His was breathing heavily and his heart was jumping out of his rib cage as he was not able to understand the older's intention. He felt so weak as the blond slowly approached him, and whines when his back hit the wall of the bedroom.

"What were you doing" Taehyung asked, eyes staring directly into Jungkook's red embarrassed face.

Well couldn't you see? Jungkook wanted to question, but his mouth was unable to form words. His felt like his body was about to combusted. His favourite person, his crush, the main character of his wet dreams, his sexual desire was now looking at him in his most naked, exposed status. The younger took a deep breath and stuttered out. "I-I wass cchanging my ccclothes...."

"You can't fool me. Don't lie. What, were you doing." Taehyung asked again, but this time with a deeper voice in a more serious tone, demanding for an answer.

Jungkook felt like being defeated, he had no choice but to tell the truth. "I-I could hear you voice, o-or rather, m-moans when you were s-showering. AndIgotaroused..." He spoked the last part so quietly and fast but Taehyung, who looked a bit shocked, could hear.

"Wait, you were able to hear me?"


Are you dumb? You were being loud as fuck. Jungkook laughed at him internally, but couldn't externally. He simply nodded slightly as the older walked to him, and gasped as he saw the certain body part dangling behind the towel of the latter seemed to have enlarged. And his own dick hardened again at the sight. He quickly looked away before his saliva drooled out of his lips. But unfortunately the older noticed the change of direction of vision of the younger. He grinned devilishly.

"Oh" Taehyung exclaimed huskily, "So you were listening to me and playing with yourself at the same time. Was that true?"

Jungkook bit his lips as he nodded hesitatingly.

"How naughty."

Taehyung pushed Jungkook on to his bed, and noticed a few wet patches on the sheet. "And what was that" He questioned, pointing the mess with one hand and the other wrapped around the younger's waist.

Shit. Jungkook cursed to himself, but didn't dare to say it loud in front of his hyung. "Ahhh I-I cleaned my hands w-with your b-bedsheet" he stuttered, hoping his answer would satisfy Taehyung.

"Why were your hands dirty" Taehyung leaned forward and whispered into the younger's ear, sending shivers down his spine.

"B-because of my s-saliva and..." Jungkook admitted shyly, "P-precum..."

"Holy shit that was hot" Taehyung looked at the blushing boy with a dark gaze, and eyed the younger's boner.

"Would you need a helping hand for that? I seemed to have interrupted your private time." The blond asked seductively.


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