Chapter 2: Clint

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Clint didn't like Tony Stark. In fact, he despised him very greatly.

Not only was it Stark's bickering and constant teasing, but his personality as well. He hated that "playboy billionaire I'm-better-than-you" voice that he always talked with.

Recently, Stark had walked in on their weekly movie night, and ruined it for all of them.

Clint didn't always hate Tony though.

There were times before the huge civil war fight and afterward problems that they were friends. Clint used to teach Tony archery in his free time, which Tony would always enjoy.

Nowadays, Tony isolates himself in his lab working on useless equipment that will not benefit anyone.

Clint doesn't mind much though, Tony didn't mean as much as he used to to him.

To get Stark back from "ruining" the movie, Natasha and Clint decided to pull a prank on him.

They noticed his fear of guns and loud noises, and decided to use it against him.

Later on that Friday night when Stark has so rudely interrupted their movie, Clint and Natasha snuck into his lab through the seemingly small air vents.

They slowly opened one of the vents without making a sound, and stared at Stark, who was once again, working on his lab equipment.

"Oh my god, does he ever stop?" Natasha said while grinning.

Clint chuckled. "Seems like never. Get the gun ready."

Natasha pulled out a small and harmless gun from her satchel, and aimed it at the wall near Stark.

"Ok, ready, steady, shoot! Now!"

Natasha shot the gun while Clint covered his ears.

The bullet crashed into the wall, shocking Stark and making him jump.

Clint and Natasha stared at Stark heaving and began to silently giggle at their successful "prank".

Little did giggling Natasha or Clint know, Tony was breaking down in panic attack.

He desperately gasped for air as it felt that their was none. He sank to the floor, trying to breath, while clutching his chest as his face went red.

Natasha and Clint immediately wiped off their grins as they saw Stark fall to the ground gasping for air.

"Um, should we help him?" Natasha asked, concerned.

"Ugh, I don't know. Because then he'll find out it was us who did this." Clint said, feeling guilty while placing his hand on his forehead.

"Breathe in and out sir. In and out"

Hearing the AI's voice calmed Tony down as he quickly began to follow his instructions.

"See, look. Jarvis has it covered." Natasha said softly.

"Yeah, he'll be okay, right?" Clint asked with a worried expression.

Natasha nodded as she slowly made her way out, Clint right behind her.

If only they knew that Stark would spend the rest of his night crying in panic.

But that was yesterday, and today's a new day.

It's Saturday now, and Clint is up at 6:00 sharp, sparring and shooting targets from unbelievable distances.

And while Clint is admiring his bowing skills, Tony is looking for reasons to live.

Maybe Clint could help him.

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