“HEY WATCH WHERE-” she stopped in mid-sentence and just looked at me.

“um.. sorry” I said completely lost.

“N-No I’m sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going, it was my fault.” She said I stared at her in shock did she just apologize to me?

“I-I.. what?” I said getting off of her and helping her up, as she dusted herself off I picked up her books.

“I said I was sorry.” She taking the books off my hands.

“So you’re not going to insult or tell me off?” I said completely  in shock and wondering if I was being pranked.

“No it was an accident and accidents happen. I understand.” She said so sweetly, this was so unlike her.

“Are you feeling okay? cause you know last week you insulted me and today your acting... nice.” I said.

“I feel fine but thanks for asking Ross, bye now.” She waved goodbye and walked away from me, I stared in her direction until I couldn’t see her anymore. She said my name. I started walking away to my car where I saw my friends lending on my car waiting for me.

“Hey man what takes you so long?” Greg said.

“yeah we’ve been waiting for you for half an hour.” Jake complained.

I was still stuck on the whole Queen Bee thing that I just unlocked my car and let them in, while I just sat in my car staring at the lot with my hands on the wheel.

“Bro, you alright? cause you might want to start the car in order to move.” Jake said.

“She called me Ross and said it was accident” I repeated.

“What are you talking about dude?”

“Queen Bee just apolonized to me and called me Ross, not clueless or anything but Ross!”

“Are you sure? maybe she was high or something.” Jake said.

“No she looked-” Greg cut me off.

“Maybe she’s was taken by aliens! And she’s just a duplicate who’s being nice to you.” Greg said with a loud gasp.

Jake and I gave him a ‘wtf look’. He just strugged his shoulders.

“Or maybe she likes you, you know you guys would make a great couple. I mean I’m way better looking than you but you could still make it work and it would be good for your reputation.” Jake said.

“You know I don’t care about my reputation, Jake. And there’s no way she likes me.” I said.

“I’m just saying man, anything could happen.”

“Who knows what’s wrong with her but it was weird.” I said starting my car and heading home.


At Night

After I had gotten home from school I did my homework and eat dinner but I wasn’t really focused in anything that my sibilings talked about. I could think about was what had happened today and with what Jake had told me.

Queen Bee couldn’t have a crush on me... Right? I mean she totally hated me.

(sighs) Girls are so complicated and weird.

Knock Knock

“It’s open”

“Hey little bro, what’s with the sad face? you’ve been quiet and thats not usual for you.” My older sister told me as she sat down on my bed.

“Just thinking.” I said and I laid on my back looking at the ceiling.


“Well you see, there is girl Queen Bee Marano. And last week she was teasing me and just being completely mean and annoying but today I fall on top of her and she just was... well different.” I said

“How different?” She said.

“Well for starters today she didn’t insult me at all and she called me ‘Ross’ not names or anything but she apologized to me! And Queen Bee Marano doesn’t apologize to anyone.” I said.

“Well maybe she’s changed and you shouldn’t be surprised people change all the time.” she said.

“But she’s Queen Bee Marano, why change so quickly? what she doing or planning?” I asked.

“Who knows but I say give her a chance, don’t judge her so quickly and get to know her.” My sister said lastly before walking out of my room.

“Go to sleep and if you really want to know why she’s changing her ways then get to know her. Who knows what you’ll find, you might end up liking her.” She said I rolled my eyes that is the second time someone tells me that today.

“Yeah right.” I mumbled.

“Night Bro.”

“Night Sis.”

I hear the door close and I am once again left alone with my thoughts, I get under my yellow comforter and I feel my eyelids getting heavy.

“You might end up liking her.” I remember her words.

I chuckled and yawn.

“Ha, I’d to see that.” I said before I finally fell asleep.

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Small filler chapter I think but next chapter is the BIG question. Although I haven't finished yet, I'm still editing it but it will mostly without a doubt be posted tomorrow!  So stay tuned for final step into this whole story dynamic!

One more thing... THANK YOU SO MUCH For almost 500 reads!!! you are guys are amazing!!!! whoowhoo. 


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