Chapter 5

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Laura Pov

“You have 21 days to make him fall in love you.”

Hannah’s words echoed in my head over and over again. 21 days... 21 motherfucking days! how the hell am I gonna get Ross to go on a date with me ?

He hasn’t date anyone from this school ever!

And given our recent encounters we’ve had, I don’t think he’s going to quickly accept to a date with me.

“God this is so hard!” (she said out loud)

“Pardon miss marano?” I looked up to see my Biology teacher and everyone else in class staring at me. When did I get to class?

“Um. Nothing Miss Anna, just thinking out loud.” I smiled sheeply at her. She looked me to check if something was going on but then started talking again.

Phew. (sighs in relief)

I should really be careful when I think things inside my head.


Ross Pov

I sat in Biology and watched as Queen Bee Marano talked to herself, it was pretty funny because she was making faces as she talked. That is until the biology teacher called her on her outburst.

I kinda laughed because she looked completely lost in space. She usually pays attention, but today she seems off her game.

“Stop staring” I heard someone say. I looked back to see Greg smirking at me.

“What?” (I mouthed)

“Your staring, you like her?” He said wiggling his eyebrows.

“No.”  I whispered.

“Sure” He said and started making kissing faces at me.

I threw a paper ball at him and he just laughed.

“Boys! pay attention” the teacher said.

“Sorry.” we both said, once she turned back to the board we started laughing quietly.

(Bell Rings)

Class was finally over, thank goodness because I was so bored!

I was at my locker getting ready to go home and putting away from stuff, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Chelsea a perky cheerleader with fairly tanned skin who was popping bubble gum.

“hey Ross.”

“Hi?” I said she has the tendency to show up at random places when I’m alone, she always hints that we should go and stuff but she’s really mean and has a very pitchy voice.

“So.. are you doing anything tomorrow night?” She said blocking my path with her arm on side of me against the locker.

where are my friends when you need them?

“um... yeah I’m really busy.” I said backing away from her face as much as possible.

“Well I was thinking... maybe we could do a couple of things together ... you know.” She said flirting and gliding her fingers across my face.

“I-I’ll see but right now I really have to go home, my ... mom needs home.” I quickly said trying to move her arm but she doesn’t budge.

“Aw well if you get me.” She said walking away.

I ran to school parking lot trying to get away from school before chelsea decided to follow me, I spent so much time looking back that I didn’t realize there was someone in front of me until I was on the floor.

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