Chapter 20

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Ross Pov:

I was sitting down waiting for Emma to get off work so we could hang out. She's a pretty cool girl, she recently moved here like two months ago and her step-dad owns the ice cream shop.

After the whole heartbreak Laura thing, we bumped into each other at night and we've been talking since then. I guess I wanted to move on from Laura. The whole bet thing had me in slump, I was so angry I torn my room apart. Ryland said I passed out after punching a hole in the wall.

I was pain, I just never thought Laura would hurt me like that. I mean I know she cared about popularity but she did really have pretend to like me? I mean I thought she really liked me, at some point I thought she might even loved me. I guess I was wrong, you could never change player. I was just a simple game to her.

I remember the way her deep chocolate orbs filled with water in the parking lot. I first instinct was hold her and cradle her in my arms, telling her that everything would be fine. But I didn't.

She filmed us in the room, I thought we were having sweet moment. I confessed my love for her and she threw back in my face. I didn't expect for it to be showcased in my humiliation.

There was a moment where I wanted to believe her words, I wanted to run up and kiss her. Embrace her in my arms and never let go, as our hearts beat in sync. But the sound of my heart breaking, the utter anger in my chest stopped me. I couldn't stand being next to her anymore. My world was crumbling down, and if I stayed there in that parking lot. I would have crumbled as well, more than I was already in front of Laura.

I believed her lies, from the moment we started talking it was all lie. It was all part of her plan to set me up.

I believed in her love. Her laugh, her blushing, her addicting kisses. Her words but It was all for show.

There was a part of me, that some truth behind her words when she said she loved me. I desperately wanted trust that she was being serious, I felt my heart flutter as her words left pink lips but my mind kept reminding me of the agony stirring up on my chest as a small tear had rolled down my cheek.

How stupid could I have been? I really am clueless...

"Hey ready to go?" I heard a small voice chirp behind me, snapping me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah. Let's go. You look great by the way." I said standing up, complimenting Emma as we walked towards the park.

I didn't want Laura in my heart anymore, I wanted her scratched off my chest after she deeply engraved herself in.

It was time for a change.


"Haha I can't believe you did that!" I laughed at Emma who was telling me that had ice cream fighting with a customer because they were being rude.

We sitting near the small pond, eating some popcorn.

"I had no choice! The old lady started it when she threw chocolate chips at me. Naturally I just whipped creamed her face." Emma laughed stuffing her face with more popcorn.

"Oh yeah because that's fair." I said rolling my eyes and chuckling.

"It is! Plus she knocked me down with minty swirl ice cream ball." Emma said whining.

I tried stifled a laugh but I couldn't hold anymore so I bursted out laughing. It felt so good to laugh, the vibrations rumbling in my body as it echoed throughout the park.

Once we stopped laughing we just stared into each other's eyes in silence. Our bodies we leaning closer to each other as I noticed her features.

Emma was a beautiful blonde with red lips that formed a smile on her face, she had big green emerald eyes so glossy in the sunlight. She was truly pretty and quite amazing girl.

A players game (Raura)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora