Chapter 1

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Laura Pov 

 I was getting for school applying my lipstick because well I'm laura Marano Queen Bee of Jefferson high and I can't look bad. When My phone began buzzing like crazy, I slided my finger over the screen and saw that there mulitple mentions of me on a instagram picture.

Dave: Flowers for the babe.

Babe? we're not dating, I went on semi-date with Dave and now he thinks we're dating? Ugh why do guys makes everything so complicated!

Instead of commenting on the picture and embrassing him, I decided to wait until I saw him at school to clear things up. 

I grabbed my things and walked out my house towards my Red mazda 6 car. I heard I car honk across the street and I saw some blonde boy with a leather jacket and dark shades getting into a black camero. 

ooo nice ass, was the first thing that came to mind but my thoughts was cut off from my phone ringing in my pocket, 



"laura get your ass to school, you've got to see what Dave's doing!" 

"What's he-" Raini immediately hung up, aw man that means its serious! You go on one date with a guy and you act politely and suddenly you're dating him now. Never again will I on a date with a guy with from the drama club even though he's good looking.

"Let the drama begin" With that I got on the road driving to school.


School Grounds

Ross Pov

Ah another day at Jefferson high, where the girls attack me an guys just want to be my friend. I oddly get both their numbers slipped into my pocket. Weird at first now I just... Nope still weird when guy slips his number into my pocket.

I was walking through the hallways, as girls constantly winked at me or asked me on a date and guys invited me to parties. I might be the school's most popular guy with all the schools perks but it's hard to find someone real. At least in a girl that is, they all want sex none of them want a deep night long conversation about childhood memories or getting to know one another. 

It's all about the action, finding a girl that's about something and not wanting to do something is super hard. Wow I'm picky, no wonder I'm single. But I believe in true love and I want to find my special someone.

My thoughts were cut off my screams.

"Babe why are you mad? didn't you like the flowers?"

"I'm not your babe, it was one date it meant nothing!" 

Damn talk about harsh!

"Wow dave's stupid for thinking that Queen Bee Marano would date him huh" My buddy Jake said to me with my friend Greg next to him.

"Queen Bee has never stayed with one guy, why would she date him?" Greg said.

"That girl might go through guys like I change shoes, and she's never had a steady boyfriend but I totally fuck her." Jake said.

"Dude, it's her game to get you in bed with her and then dump you. Why would you still sleep with her?" I said.

"Because she's so sexy! I mean come on look at her. She's perfect; nice body, long white legs, cute ass and sweet juicy plumped lips that I would die to leave them bruised."

I looked towards the Queen Bee, studying her features as Jake described them and it was true she was pretty hot but her reputation was an extreme turn off for me. I wanted someone real not someone would totally leave me the next morning.

"You guys would make a total hot couple!" Greg said, I gave a weird look. Considering since I think he just called me hot.

"Me and Queen Bee? are you serious? No way wou-" I got cut off.

"The correct term is Queen Bee and I, and for your information you would be lucky if I did go out with you." She said walking by me.

"Your kidding right? you and I have nothing in common why would I want to date someone like you?" I said as she got closer to me.

"Because I'm amazing, everyone wants to date me."

"Oh yeah you are" Jake cut her off biting his lip and winking at her. She looked weirded out and turn back to me.

"And besides I never said I would date you, your nothing but a clueless dumb jock." She spat back at me.

"Cluesless jock? I'm clueless?! oh yeah well your nothing but a stupid-"

(Bell Rings)

"Yes Saved by the bell!" Queen Bee exclaimed and walked away from me.

"Later clueless" She laughed walking down the hallway, with guys watching her every step.

Her hips swayed with every step she took making her irresistible for any guy, as if her long creamy white legs that stopped at her hips making her look curvey wasn't enough.

Before turning the corner she looked back at me, and smirked.

"Cluesless" she mouthed.

I wanted to wipe that smirk off her face, I'm not clueless.


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Long Overdue update was needed. Sorry about that but how do you like the first chapter?

I plan on updating soon (hopefully) 

Later Guys!

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