24. Wedding

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Andie, one of Elton's friends, was braiding my hair. When she finished, she helped put my elegant red hijab on. It was so pretty. It matched my red dress, which was red as well. There were flowers all over the dress and hijab, which was a nice feature. I looked really pretty.

Andie wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "You look really pretty, Mahja. Elton's going to love it."

I smiled. "Thanks, Andie. I think the dress is quite lovely too."

"Me too," Andie agreed. She pulled away but kept her hands on my shoulders. "Are you excited?"

"Of course," I said. "I can't wait. Do you know what Elton's wearing?"

Andie laughed and shook her head. "It would be bad luck to see your partner before the wedding."

I smiled, taking Andie's hand. "I know. How much longer before it starts?"

Andie checked her phone. "Five minutes."

I stood up. "We should be going then."

We joined the other bridesmaids and groomsmen downstairs. They all were dressed in red dresses. When it was time, the groomsmen and bridesmaids started walking down the aisle.

When it was my turn, my dad came up to me and placed his hands on my face, smiling.

He kissed my forehead. "You're beautiful, Mahjabeen. I'm so proud of you. You chose a wonderful husband."

I smiled, placing a hand over my dad's. "Thanks, Dad."

Dad pulled away and offered his arm. "Let's go, shall we?"

I nodded and slipped my arm into Dad's. We walked down the aisle. Elton smiled happily and covered his mouth, tears coming to his eyes. I got to the altar and kissed Dad on the cheek.

I stepped up to where everyone else was standing and took Elton's hands. His eyes were filled with tears. I squeezed his hands, reassuring him.

As the ceremony continued, I looked in the eyes of the man I loved the most. Elton was the guy I loved going on adventures with and I wanted to continue doing that.

After the ceremony finished, Elton and I went to the reception with everyone else. It was so much fun to dance around and laugh with my friends.

After a few hours, Jay came up to me, looking fine as hell. I greeted him with a hug and a warm welcome.

"How are you?" I asked. "I've barely seen you!"

Jay smiled down at me. "I'm doing alright. You look stunning, Mahjabeen."

I smiled, grabbing Jay's arm. "You look stunning as well, Jay. You're quite handsome, might I say."

Jay laughed but his eyes seemed sad. There was something there. "Thanks, Mahjabeen. You're such a wonderful woman."

I smiled and squeezed Jay's arm. "You're a great friend, Jay. I appreciate you being here."

Jay's eyes still had a sad look about them. I hugged Jay, rubbing his head gently. Something was wrong with Jay and I told myself to talk to him about it later.

Elton came by and greeted Jay. After a few moments of talking, it was time for my dance with Elton. He took me out to the dance floor and the music started playing.

We danced slowly and everything faded away. I focused on Elton's smiling face and I was happy. Elton spun me around and pulled me close, holding me tight.

At the end of the song, Elton kissed me sweetly, tilting my chin toward him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me against him.

Everyone cheered loudly at us. Elton pulled away and we went over to where our family was. I greeted my siblings and parents, kissing my mom's cheeks.

I sat down and picked some food off my sister's plate. After too many smacks on the wrist from my sister, I went to go get my own plate.

Elton came up behind me and buried his head in my neck. I laughed and grabbed his arm.


"I love you, Mahja," Elton murmured. "So much. Always remember that."

I laughed. "I will, Elton. What are we doing after our reception?"

"Go home." Elton came into my line of sight. He gave me a look. "Have some fun."

I slapped Elton's arm. "Don't say that here, Elton!"

Elton laughed and squeezed my sides. "Just think about it, honey."

I smiled and kissed Elton. "I will. Run off now, babe. Have fun."

Elton kissed my cheek and walked off. I filled my plate with food and sat down with my family. I talked with them for what felt like forever before it was time for Elton and I to leave. The party wasn't over yet but I wanted to spend time with Elton.

On the way home, Elton placed a hand on my upper thigh. I didn't bother moving his hand. I looked over at him and he sent a wink at me.

I laughed tiredly. "What do you want to do tonight?"

"I think you know what I want to do," Elton replied.

"Maybe," I said. "I think I'd be up for that."


I nodded. "Yeah. I mean, it is our wedding night after all."

Elton started moving his thumb in circles. "I am too. I don't think our roommates are coming home anytime soon, so we have time."

"Just don't end too early," I joked.

Elton glared at me and when I laughed, he rolled his eyes. We arrived back home and went up to our room. I was taking my hijab off as we went.

I tossed my scarf on the bedroom floor and started to take my dress off, struggling to do so. Elton closed the door behind us and helped me take off my dress.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder. "Are you ready?"

I smiled. "Of course."

Elton picked me and tossed me onto the bed. He pulled off his shirt and climbed on top of me, kissing me passionately. I loved this man so much.

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