10. Weekend With My Boo

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My work week had finally ended and I was happy. I wanted to sleep and spend some time with Elton again. I didn't have much time to see him because of work.

I entered my apartment and dumped my bags by the door. I sat on my couch and started texting Elton. I yawned when I heard my ding.

Hey ;) do you want to spend the weekend over here? - Elton

Sure. Can you come to pick me up? - Me

Yeah, of course, Magna. I'll be there soon - Elton

Magna? Who's Magna? - Me

Lol, spell check is a bitch. I meant Mahja - Elton

Lol it's fine - Me

Magna is your new nickname by the way. I love you, Magna, and I'll see you soon - Elton

I laughed and put my phone away. I went into my bedroom and started packing for Elton's. I had finished packing when I heard a knock on my door. I grabbed my bag and went to the front door. Elton stood there with a smile on his face.

I smiled back and gave him a hug. Elton gave me a kiss in greeting and took my bag from me.

"I'll carry those for you, Magna," Elton said.

"You're going on with the Magna thing?" I asked.

Elton laughed. "I said it was your nickname now, didn't I?"

I shook my head, shaking my head. "I don't understand you, Elton. Shall we go?"

Elton nodded and grabbed my bag for me. We walked out and left my apartment building. We got in Elton's car and left for his house.

One of my favorite songs came on and I turned it up. I started singing the song at the top of my lungs, pouring my heart into it.

Elton laughed as he drove, glancing at me from time to time. The song changed but I sang along with that one too. As the song finished, we arrived at Elton's house.

We parked and went inside. Elton took my bags up to his room as I went into the kitchen. I was looking through the fridge when Corey came in.

"Oh, hey, Mahja," Corey greeted. "I didn't know you'd be here."

"Yeah." I grabbed a water bottle and closed the fridge door. "I'm staying the night."

"Nice," Corey said. "Do you have a job? I feel like I don't see you that often."

I nodded. "I do. I'm a mechanic."

Corey smiled. "That's so cool! I don't see that many women who are mechanics."

I took a sip of water. "I know. I'm one of two women who work at my auto shop."

"Mechanical jobs are definitely male-dominated," Corey said.

Elton walked in. "Hey, guys."

Elton came to my side and kissed my cheek. I returned the favor and leaned my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me.

"What do you want for food, Magna?" Elton asked.

"Did you just call Mahja Manga?" Corey asked.

Elton cracked a smile. "Yeah. My phone changed Mahja to Magna, so her name is Magna."

"Is she Aunt Magna now?" Corey asked. "I think we have an Aunt Magna."

"It's only fitting because I'm Uncle Elton," said Elton.

I laughed. "Sure. I guess I'm Aunt Magna now."

Corey laughed. "Great. I have to go do some stuff with Devyn, but I'll see you guys around, okay?"

Elton and I nodded. Corey left and I hopped onto the counter. Elton placed his hands on either side of me and kissed me.

"What do you want to eat?" Elton asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

Elton opened the fridge. "What do you think of potato soup?"

"Sure," I replied. "I love potatoes."

Elton pulled out a large bowl of soup. He pulled out two smaller bowls from the cabinet and put soup in the bowl.

"Who made it?" I asked.

"I did," Elton said. "I love cooking and I'm really good at it."

"Good because I can't cook," I said. "I appreciate someone who cooks."

Elton grinned. "Well, that's nice. I'll cook for you, darling."

We finished eating and we cleaned up together. We went up to Elton's room and sat in his bed together. I sat with my back against the wall while Elton laid on his back. My legs were laying across his lower stomach.

Elton rubbed my legs gently as we talked. We got to know each other even more. I learned about Elton's life and he learned about mine. We were up until late at night just talking.

I yawned. "Do you have any sweatpants and an old t-shirt I can borrow?"

Elton nodded, sitting up. "Yeah, I'll grab you some clothes."

Elton got out of bed and dug through his drawers. He handed me what he had and left the room. I changed and laid back down. Elton came back inside a few minutes late with two cups of water. He set them on the nightstand and laid beside me.

I snuggled up against him and Elton wrapped an arm around me. He kissed my forehead softly. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. I loved being with Elton.

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