08. Swimming

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Elton drove me to my apartment. We got out and I led him to my apartment. I opened the door and called out to Aviva. She answered and soon appeared.

She smiled when she saw Elton. "Is this your boyfriend, Mahjabeen?"

I nodded. "Yeah. This is Elton. Elton, this is Aviva, my roommate."

Elton held out his hand. "It's good to meet you, Aviva. I'm Elton."

Aviva smiled and shook Elton's hand. "It's good to meet you too, Elton. I've heard so much about you."

"I have too."

"I've just come to grab my swimsuit," I said, heading for my room. Elton followed me.

"Are you coming home tonight?" Aviva asked.

"Probably. I have work tomorrow."

I grabbed my suit and came back out to the main part of the apartment. Elton came with me.

Aviva pointed at Elton. "Don't keep my girl Mahjabeen out too late. She has work and she can't be exhausted."

Elton smiled and nodded. "Of course, Aviva. I wouldn't do that."

Elton and I left my apartment and headed for his car. We got to Elton's house not too long afterward. I went inside with Elton at my side.

"Ready to swim?" Elton asked.

"Of course," I replied. "I'll go get changed."

I found the nearest bathroom and got changed. My swimsuit covered my entire body, including my head. I came out, a bit embarrassed. I didn't know how Elton or the others would react.

Elton was waiting by the back door, already in his swim trunks. He was Sam and Colby, who were in swim trunks as well.

When Elton saw me, he smiled. "Are you ready, Mahja?"

I nodded, playing with my hands. "Of course."

Elton grabbed my hands and squeezed them. "There's no need to be nervous, Mahja. You're going to be fine."

"I know," I said. "I just - I don't know what they'll think."

Elton pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me. "Don't worry, Mahja. No one here is judgemental. They won't think differently of you because you're in a swimsuit."

"I know, I just-" I interrupted myself. "I just feel weird. I don't really know these guys really well."

Elton hugged me tighter. "You'll be fine, Mahja. The roommates aren't judgemental assholes. They won't make any comments about it."

I nodded. Elton pulled away and we went outside. Sam and Colby were already outside. They were in the pool, swimming around.

Elton jumped straight in and caused a big splash. I took a different route and slipped in, barely causing any splash. The water was cool against my skin, giving me some relief from the heat.

I dove under the water and swam to the other side of the pool. I emerged from the water and Elton came to join me. I couldn't quite touch the bottom, so I held onto the side.

Elton looked at me in with loving gaze. "How's the water?"

"I love it," I replied. "It's pretty cooling."

"That would make me cool, right?" Elton joked.

I laughed. "So you're a jokester now, huh?"

"What do you mean now?" Elton asked. "I always have been a jokester."

I splashed Elton with water. "Shut up, Elton."

Elton laughed, giving me another loving look. "I won't. Not for a while."

I splashed him one more time before going under water. I went to the bottom of the pool and swam. Sam and Colby were standing in the shallow end and I wanted to scare them. They didn't notice me until I grabbed their legs. Sam and Colby jumped and I could faintly hear them scream.

I emerged and started laughing. Elton was laughing too. Colby was leaning against the side, his hand resting over his heart.

Sam gave me a look. "Did you have to do that, Mahja?"

I grinned mischievously. "Of course. How could I pass up the opportunity?"

Colby splashed me playfully. "Don't do that."

I splashed him back. "Try me, Colby."

Colby splashed me in returned. It soon turned into a water fight between the four of us. Elton soon grabbed me and picked me up, spinning me around. I laughed, clutching his shoulders.

Elton stopped and held onto me. I rested my forehead against Elton's and smiled. He smiled back and kissed me. I kissed back, burying my fingers in his hair.

"Get a room," Sam said.

I pulled away, laughing. "Shut up, Sam."

Everyone laughed. Elton kept holding onto me. He spun me around and finally set me down. We hung around in the pool for a little longer before we got out.

I got changed and waited for Elton to get changed. He was driving me home. Elton came downstairs and we left. Elton drove me all the way home.

Before I got out, I kissed Elton quickly. I hopped out and ran inside my apartment. Aviva was sitting on the couch, watching tv. I greeted her as I went to my room to change.

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